It’s the St. Spyridon’s Day edition of the Friday Files, SEA’s weekly reexamination of our archive. The views expressed in the articles are those of their authors, and frequently SEA. Our members’ names are highlighted…

It’s the St. Spyridon’s Day edition of the Friday Files, SEA’s weekly reexamination of our archive. The views expressed in the articles are those of their authors, and frequently SEA. Our members’ names are highlighted…
While it is true that most Calvinists can say, “God Loves You” to everyone honestly, the question the Dr. Olson addresses here is whether or not a consistent Calvinist can. This distinction makes for all…
One of the most popular passages stating God’s universal salvific will (i.e that God desires every human individual to be saved) is 2 Peter 3:9. 2 Peter 3:9 states that God “is not willing that any should perish,…
It’s the St. Ambrose’s Day edition of the Friday Files, our look back at SEA’s great big trove of Arminian-related articles. The views expressed therein are those of their authors, but not always SEA. Our…
Originally published by StriderMTB. 1 John 5:10-11 states: “Whoever believes in the Son of God accepts this testimony. Whoever does not believe God has made him out to be a liar, because they have not believed the…
Please click on the link to view Moses M. Smart, A Brief View of Christian Doctrine. (Lowell: N. L. Dayton, 1843). This is a 300+ page systematic theology from the Freewill Baptist tradition. The file was…
It’s the St. Andrew’s Day edition of the Friday Files, your peek into the vast archive of Arminian-related articles posted and linked to on the SEA website. The views expressed in ’em are those of…
This was teaching I developed over the past month and finally delivered yesterday during lunchtime at Mimi’s Cafe to a group of about 15 men. We’ve been going through the book of John and it…
In a blog post earlier this year in which I discussed the resurgence of Calvinism and what we might learn from Calvinism, it occurred to me that I never really defined Calvinism. So, for those who don’t…
In 2009, Time magazine called “New Calvinism” one of the “10 ideas changing the world right now.” This resurgence was famously documented in Collin Hansen’s book from 2008, Young, Restless, Reformed: A Journalist’s Journey with the New…
It’s St. Clement of Rome’s Day (who might be the guy Paul mentioned in Philippians 4.3; dunno), and in the United States it’s Black Friday, so named in the 1950s by Philadelphia police who had…
In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus instructs us to pray, Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Matthew 6.10 Often this gets translated “on earth as it is in…
Originally published by StriderMTB at: A Theology in Tension Acts 13:48 is considered by many to be one of the strongest verses in defense of Calvinism’s view of individual election. We read, “And when the Gentiles…
[This post was originally published at Dr. Olson’s blog, where comments can be made.] Why should John Wesley matter to anyone who’s not a Methodist? Somehow over the years most people have come to limit Wesley…
It’s the St. Eucherius of Lyon’s Day edition of the Friday Files, our weekly dig through SEA’s archives to find some wheat in the wheat. (Not much chaff!) Occasionally the views expressed in the articles…
In this episode, Dr. Vic Reasoner will continue to discuss the Doctrine of the Church.
*Note: The below is not copyrighted material, but I would appreciate it if you pass it on or use it in any form you include my name as its author. This is intended for use…
Here are some obituaries for distinguished Arminian scholar Grant Osborne: From Trinity International University: “Longtime TEDS professor Grant R. Osborne dies at 76” From Scott McKnight: Grant Osborne From the Lexham Press Blog: “Remembering Grant…
It’s the St. Benignus of Armagh’s Day edition of the Friday Files, our weekly reminder that SEA’s archives have a lot of good stuff in ’em. Views expressed in the articles are sometimes that of…
In this episode, Dr. Vic Reasoner will begin to discuss the Doctrine of the Church. Alternative Link: The Church (Part 1)