This exposition discusses the earliest, historical beliefs of the Arminian theological tradition regarding the effects of the fall upon man, the nature of the will of man and the mode of grace in salvation. The…
Author/Scholar Index: Arminian
Helwys’ Declaration of Faith–The First Baptist Confession
(update pdf version available at bottom of page) Thomas Helwys is known as the founder of the Baptist movement. He was an Arminian, and so history records that the first Baptists in Europe were Arminian.…
Scot McKnight, “Blog Posts on Post-Calvinism”
Please click on the attachment to view McKnight, Scot. “Blog Posts on Post-Calvinism”
This file is a collection of blog posts made by distnguished New Testament scholar Scot McKnight at his blog, Jesus Creed
Scot McKnight, “The Warning Passages in Hebrews: A Formal Analysis and Theological Conclusions”
Please click on the attachment to view Scot McKnight, “The Warning Passages in Hebrews: A Formal Analysis and Theological Conclusions” (published in Trinity Journal 13NS [1992] 21-59).
Thomas McCall, “We Believe in God’s Sovereign Goodness: A Rejoinder to John Piper”
This article continues McCall’s critique of a popular Calvinistic view of God’s sovereignty as represented by John Piper, which can be applied to the standard view of Calvinism, i.e., exhaustive determinism, which includes God’s unconditional…
Robert Hamilton. “Can a Person Accidentally Commit the Unpardonable Sin?”
Mr. Hamilton discusses whether a believer can accidentally commit the unpardonable sin. “In Matthew chapter twelve Jesus gave one of his most unusual and most misunderstood teachings, concerning what is commonly referred to as the…
Thomas McCall, “I Believe in Divine Sovereignty”
This article critiques a popular Calvinistic view of God’s sovereignty as represented by John Piper and can be applied to the standard view of Calvinism, i.e., exhaustive determinism, which includes God’s unconditional decree of all sin and evil.
Please click on the attachment to view Thomas McCall, “I Believe in Divine Sovereignty”, Trinity Journal 29/2 (Fall 2008) 205-226.
I. Howard Marshall, “The Theology of the Atonement”
Please click on the attachment below to view Marshall, I. Howard. “The Theology of the Atonement.” This paper was given at a joint Evangelical Alliance/London School of Theology Symposium on the Atonement held at the…
I. Howard Marshall, “The Problem of Apostasy in New Tesament Theology”
Please click on the attachment to view I. Howard Marshall, “The Problem of Apostasy in New Tesament Theology”, published as an epilogue to I. Howard Marshall, Kept by the Power of God: A Study of Perseverance…
I. Howard Marshall, “For All, for All My Saviour Died”
Please click on the attachment to view I. Howard Marshall, “For All, for All My Saviour Died,” published in Semper Reformanda: Studies in Honour of Clark H. Pinnock (ed. Stanley E. Porter and Anthony R.…
Please click on the attachment to view Klein, William W. “PAUL’S USE OF KALEIN: A PROPOSAL” (published in JETS 27/1 [March 1984] 53-64). Klein. Paul’s Use of Kalein
William W. Klein, “Is Corporate Election Merely Virtual Election?”
This article can be viewed below on this page and is also contained in this pdf attachment (the pdf file retains the author’s formatting and uses footnotes while this page uses endnote style and has…
Richard Watson, On Omniscience
Please click on the attachment to view Richard Watson, On Omniscience, which is an excerpt from his Theological Institutes. This treatment of God’s omniscience contains an important discussion of the concepts of necessity, contingency, and…
Robert Hamilton. “When an Immunization Becomes Fatal. Thoughts on Perseverance in Faith.”
Mr. Hamilton discusses the necessity of Perseverance. “There are many churches in the United States that, like the imaginary health clinic in the scenario above, are unwittingly administering “sugar-water” immunizations to their members. These churches…
Josh Ratliff, Apostasy in the Wilderness: Examining the Theology in the Use of the Wilderness Narratives in 1 Cor 10:1-13 and Heb 3:7-4:13
Click on the link to view Josh Ratliff, Apostasy in the Wilderness: Examining the Theology in the Use of the Wilderness Narratives in 1 Cor 10:1-13 and Heb 3:7-4:13.
John Wesley, “Serious Thoughts on the Perseverance of the Saints”
John Wesley (Perseverance)
Gordon C. I. Wong, “Make Their Ears Dull: Irony in Isaiah 6:9-10”
This article is posted with the permission of Trinity Theological Journal and the author. Please click on the attachment to view Gordon C. I. Wong, “Make Their Ears Dull: Irony in Isaiah 6:9-10” Trinity Theological Journal 16 (2008) 24-34.
Here is the author’s abstract:
In Isaiah 6:9-10, the prophet appears to be commissioned by God to make the ears of the people dull in order to prevent them from repenting. This article begins by proposing that these verses are better understood as rhetorical irony designed to persuade the people to (and not prevent them from) repentance. An alternative rhetorical interpretation and three literal interpretations are also discussed and rejected in favour of the view that assumes the use of irony.
Bruce Hollenbach, “Lest They Should Turn and Be Forgiven: Irony”
Please click one of the attachments* to view Bruce Hollenbach, “Lest They Should Turn and Be Forgiven: Irony”, Bible Translator 34.3 (July 1983) 312-21. The ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials provides the following abstract of…
Q&A with Dr. Olson on Calvinism & Arminianism
City On A Hill Church in Seattle WA invited Dr. Roger Olson to be part of a “Forum on Calvinism and Arminianism,” during which over 30 of the most common questions related to Calvinism and…
John Mark Hicks, “Righteousness of Saving Faith: Arminian Versus Remonstrant Grace”
This article originally appeared in the Evangelical Journal 9 (1991) 27-39, and was taken from the website of John Mark Hicks, specifically this page: Please click on the attachment to view John Mark Hicks,…