Please click on the link to view David L. Allen, “Review of Henri Blocher, Chapter 20, ‘Systematic Theology of Definite Atonement’ in From Heaven He Came and Sought Her.“ This is part 21 of Allen’s multi-part review…

Please click on the link to view David L. Allen, “Review of Henri Blocher, Chapter 20, ‘Systematic Theology of Definite Atonement’ in From Heaven He Came and Sought Her.“ This is part 21 of Allen’s multi-part review…
I had to laugh when I read a comment here (responding to one of my blog posts) calling me a “fauxevangelical.” The prefix “faux-” means “fake.” I’m not sure why the commenter didn’t just say…
The sovereignty of God is a vitally important truth Wesleyans badly need to recover. This is not only because it is crucial for understanding the biblical drama, but also because many Wesleyans have tended to…
[This post was taken from here at the Impefect Reflections blog, where comments can be posted.] A week or two ago, I mentioned a post I was working on to my friend James, about a…
Please click on the link to view David L. Allen, “Review of Wellum’s Chapter ‘The New Covenant Work of Christ’ in From Heaven He Came and Sought Her.” This is part 20 of Allen’s multi-part review of From…
In Calvinism, Regeneration comes before faith, whereas in Arminianism regeneration comes after faith. In other words, the “timing” of what Scripture describes as the “new birth” is decisive in the debate between Calvinism and Arminianism.…
Please click on the link to view John Piper, “Is Faith Meritorious?” A John Piper article on the Society of Evangelical Arminians website? Yes indeed, for in addressing the question, “Is faith meritorious?” he gives an Arminian…
Please click on the link to view John Sanders, “Those Who Have Never Heard: A Survey of the Major Positions,” in Salvation in Christ: Comparative Christian Views, ed. Roger R. Keller and Robert L. Millet (Provo,…
The August, 2014 issue of the journal First Things (online) contains an article by Westminster Theological Seminary church history professor Carl R. Trueman entitled “A Church for Exiles: Why Reformed Christianity Provides the Best Basis…
Please click on the link to view David L. Allen, “Limited Atonement & the Double Payment Argument – Review of Williams’ Chapter in From Heaven He Came and Sought Her.” This is part 19 of Allen’s multi-part…
Please click on the link to view this debate about predestination and free will between Bruce Ware and Thomas Schreiner (Calvinist side) vs. Joseph R. Dongell and Jerry Walls (Arminian side), which took place in April…
Over 11 hours of audio lectures from Dr. Steve Seamands, professor of Christian Doctrine at Asbury Theological Seminary, where he has taught since 1983. There are also power point slides available for download. Click on the…
Please click on the link to view Klyne Snodgrass, “A Hermeneutics of Hearing Informed by the Parables with Special Reference to Mark 4,” Bulletin for Biblical Research 14.1 (2004) 59-79. Here is an abstract of the article:…
Please click on the link to view David L. Allen, “Review of Jonathan Gibson’s Chapter on Pauline Soteriology and Limited Atonement in From Heaven He Came and Sought Her.” This is part 14 of Allen’s review of From…
Please click on the link to view David L. Allen, “Is the Atonement Limited in the Synoptics and John? Review of Harmon’s Chapter in From Heaven He Came and Sought Her – Part 12.” This is part 12…
I have long been impressed by how foreign scholastic evangelical theology is to even the most devout, biblically literate evangelical lay people. What do I mean by “scholastic evangelical theology?” I don’t know a better…
In this post, . . . Arminian scholar Dr. Grant Osborne addresses certain proof texts which Calvinists use to support their theology. I offer posts such as this one because some readers do not have…
Please click on the link to view some of Seedbed’s Resources on the Book of Romans. The post gathers together videos from 3 of the world’s leading New Testament scholars who all address different aspects of Romans.
Please click on the link to view David L. Allen, “Does Penal Substitution Entail Limited Atonement? Review of Williams’ Chapter 17 in From Heaven He Came and Sought Her.” This is part 18 of Allen’s multi-part review…
Calvinists and Arminians agree that God “accomplishes all things according to his counsel and will” because so says Ephesians 1:11 and the entire testimony of Scripture. Both, however, interpret this differently. John Calvin, facing this…