Matt O’Reilly, of Orthodoxy for Everyone, posts: “Objectivity Redivivus? Holloway vs. N.T. Wright.” Martin Glynn, of The Irish Protestant, critiqued Geoff Ashley’s “Do We Have Free Will” (Part One, Part Two). Craig Adams, of Commonplace…

Matt O’Reilly, of Orthodoxy for Everyone, posts: “Objectivity Redivivus? Holloway vs. N.T. Wright.” Martin Glynn, of The Irish Protestant, critiqued Geoff Ashley’s “Do We Have Free Will” (Part One, Part Two). Craig Adams, of Commonplace…
Please click on the link to view Ron Callaway, “The Omniscience of God and Open Theism” Integrity 3 (2006) 111-139.
They may make strange bedfellows but on one issue some Calvinists, many atheists, and most process theologians agree: there is no real difference between “doing evil” and “permitting evil.” For them, the traditional claim of…
In Udo Middelmann’s The Innocence of God, he grants us biblical evidence advocating the truth that God is innocent of the tragedies and evil experienced by and among fallen human beings. God has neither decreed…
Audio files of expository sermons by Arminian pastor Ben Henshaw of Rand Memorial Congregational Church (Seabrook, NH) are now available online at Normally, a new sermon goes up every week.
Seedbed highlights: “Carolyn Moore on Being a Woman in Ministry,” “Why Christians Worship the Trinity,” “40 Day Lenten Challenge: Sing the Psalms Daily,” and “8 Things to Pray for Related to ISIS, War, and Terrorism.”…
I recently received this e-mail message from a total stranger. This is why I wrote Against Calvinism–simply to show that Calvinism is not the only Christian option and to point away from it to alternatives (primarily…
Please click on the link to view Thomas C. Thornton, Theological Colloquies, or A Compendium of Christian Divinity. This is basically a systematic theology from 1837 by Methodist scholar Thomas C. Thornton coming in at…
Romans 9 is often the “go to” text for Calvinists. They hold that it is about individual election to salvation — that God unconditionally chooses to save certain individuals, and that he unconditionally rejects and…
Calvinism’s standard position is exhaustive divine determinism, that God unconditionally decreed all things, including sin and evil, every sin, every evil act, every thought, motive, desire, mood, decision, everything. One standard criticism of Calvinism is…
Dr. Craig Keener, of Bible Background, explains who is the thief that comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Seedbed brings us: “50 Shades of Hell: A Personal Letter for the Human Race,” “The Methodist Roots…
On someone’s Facebook page, I find that John Piper tweets the following: “Christ purchased holiness for the [unconditionally] elect. ‘For their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified.’ (John 17:19)” When one…
It is interesting to see how many passages there are in the Scriptures which speak of God’s protection of animals, even of those which are the least considerable. He takes care of the cattle of…
In a recent essay, I argued that John Piper fails in his attempt to reconcile the doctrine that God desires all to be saved with the doctrine of unconditional election. However, one may reply that…
Gumby—a green clay humanoid character that can twist and turn to get out of every predicament. A great toy it makes; a great theologian it does not. There is no greater theological imperative today then…
Austin Fischer, author of Young, Restless, No Longer Reformed, as highlighted by the Society of Evangelical Arminians, posts: “Young, Restless, No Longer Reformed a Year Later: Calvinism (Still) Isn’t Beautiful,” and “Some Helpful Replies from…
Here are some helpful comments Austin Fischer made in the comment thread of his recent post “Young, Restless, No Longer Reformed a Year Later: Calvinism (Still) Isn’t Beautiful” at his blog (the post can be found on this…
In a book edited by John Piper, Calvinist philosopher Mark R. Talbot writes: God . . . brings about all things in accordance with his will. In other words, it isn’t just that God manages to turn…
“They’re not going to embrace your theology unless it makes their hearts sing.”[1] -John Piper One of the more persistent myths regarding art (broadly defined) is that the artist understands what he or she…
Arminians and Molinists believe that God wants everyone saved. We also believe that Jesus Christ died for every single human being who will ever exist in this world. There’s an overabundance of scriptures that testifies…