The X-Calvinist Corner is a page on this website that shares the stories of people who were once Calvinist but have left Calvinism for a more Arminian theology. This series (The X-Calvinist Corner Files) highlights one of the testimonies from the X-Calvinist Corner in each installment.
Today’s testimony is from someone named Ashwin S.:
How did you become a Calvinist?
Early in my christian walk, I encountered portions in the Bible such as John 6:44 and Romans 9 and started to believe in the concept of unconditional election.
What did you find most compelling about Calvinism?
The two things I found most compelling was the scripture portions such as John 6 and Romans 9 which seemed to teach the concepts of election and grace. At that time I was in college and praying hard for a revival in my college and trying to preach the gospel/get a small group started etc. Being a new convert with little guidance trying to preach in India where most people were not Christians. I was not very successful. It was a time of great frustration and even despair. Because, I so desperately wanted my friends to see God’s glory, but my efforts were not very effective and my prayers seem unheard. The idea of election/irresistible grace/the sovereignty of God became a source of Comfort. I felt, people didn’t get saved because God did not want them to. it also soured my relationship with God as it eroded my trust in God.
Why did you begin to question your Calvinistic convictions?
Over the years, I became a 4 point Calvinist, though I was still examining the Bible and found myself disturbed by verses such as in Hebrews 6. I couldn’t accept limited atonement because the Bible was pretty categorical in teaching that Jesus died for the world. The turning point came when I had a discussion online with a Calvinist. Since I was familiar with the counter arguments against Calvinism, I pointed out some of these counters to the things he was saying. Long story short, we ended up having a debate that lasted many days. Two things about the guy stood out, he was extremely arrogant and he frequently reverted to arguments based on authority. So and so is a great exegete and so this verse must mean what I say it does! By the end of our discussion, I had argued myself out of a Calvinistic position and found that it was possible to explain many verses such as John 6 differently, and that the different explanations were actually more true to the context in which these verses were spoken.
The last hurdle was Romans 9. I searched all over to see if there was an alternative explanation to the one the Calvinists gave. The key for me to understand this chapter from a different perspective was John Chrysostom’s commentary on Romans 9 and Arminius’ letter explaining the chapter. I spent a few months wresting with Romans 9 till I finally came to an understanding I believe is true to the text and in context.
What kind of support or opposition did you encounter while questioning your Calvinistic beliefs?
I have always attended Pentecostal churches and am currently attending an AG church. Since the church stand on this subject is Arminian, I find my interactions with the church are far smoother. Though to be honest, i never had any problems when I was leaning towards Calvinism.
What primarily led to you abandoning Calvinism?
The Bible. There is no way we can believe in Calvinism if we read the Bible in context without presuppositions. I was also appalled when I read the Westminster Confession and how a deterministic doctrine made God the source of every evil ever committed. That is not how the Bible describes God.