Video: “A (Brief) Biblical Case for Arminianism, Part 2: UN-limited Atonement, the Solution Begins”

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This video was published on YouTube July 8, 2024:

From the video description:

Arminianism is defined by the 5 Points of Remonstrance:

F – Freed to believe (i.e. Prevenient Grace)

A – Atonement for All

C – Conditional Election

T – Total Depravity

S – Security in Christ


From Part 1: Total Depravity we will move on to the solution, which begins –not with election (as in Calvinism)– but with *Atonement for All*.


The first video in this series is available here: “Part 1: Total Depravity

Or for the full series on Youtube, you can find the playlist (to date) here: Playlist: A (brief) Biblical Case for Arminianism, a series