The Wesleyan Heritage Collection

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Currently downloadable at is the contents of a CD full of original and hard to find Wesleyan texts, not least the works of Wesley himself, that can be accessed at this link.

Here is a helpful comment on the item’s page:

Contains many hard to find works from the likes of: James Arminius • Francis Asbury • Joseph Beet • Joseph Benson • Adam Clarke • John Fletcher • Thomas Ralston • Joseph Sutcliffe • Richard Watson • John Wesley • Daniel Whedon.

Also has KJV w/Strong’s Numbers and Strong’s Dictionary.

All in searchable PDF’s. The WESLEYAN.PDF file serves as an index full of hot links to all of the individual works.

AGES software which put the CD together decades ago seems no longer to exist, so thanks for posting the CD here!

Had minor trouble opening the 7z zip file. The actual 7-Zip utility would not run or open the file on my Windows 10 computer! But BreeZip from the Microsoft Store worked like a charm.

Would have given 5 stars except AGES is not always 100% clear exactly where the original material came from (making scholarly citation difficult) and its editors admit to having quite freely edited the original material (for clarity, typos, omissions, etc.), so the material maybe isn’t always quite as “original” as one would like. Still, it is great to have this resource since something is definitely better than nothing!