Roy Ingle, “Pulling Some Comments Out of the Bag”

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I will have to admit that many of the Calvinists who e-mail me or write comments on my blog posts are gracious and loving even if they disagree with me. Not all of them are jerks and not all of them want to see me perish for my Arminian views. In fact, most of the comments I get here at the blog are generous even if the person doesn’t agree with me. To you I say thank you for being like Christ (Ephesians 5:1-2).

However, this is not true for all who write me. I thought I would take a moment and print some of my favorite comments I have had here at my blog. Some of them you could find by going back and reading my posts but many of them came to me via e-mail. I have listed them 1-1o and in no order of favorites.

Comment #10
I pray that you and your blog are destroyed by our sovereign God. How dare you attack His sovereignty and question His authority. Who are you to question election? Who are you to teach the heresy that Jesus died for all mankind which in essence mean that He saves none? Who are you in comparison to the great minds of Martin Luther, John Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, John MacArthur and so many other great Calvinists?

Comment #9
You Arminians are so deceived by your good works system. You misunderstand the grace of God and misunderstand His salvation. I will pray for you to come to know Christ as your Savior and that you will soon find out that you can do nothing to earn His forgiveness.

Comment #8
It is amazing to me that you honestly believe that James Arminius was a great theologian. History proves otherwise. I ask you whose view was declared heretical by the Synod of Dort? Who now stands among the great reformers of the Church? Is it not John Calvin and not Arminius?

Comment #7
Wow, an Arminian blog. I didn’t even know you guys had any blogs out there. I am glad I found this blog and I hope I can learn what you guys really believe.

Comment #6
Come on, you are well aware that Arminians have more in common with Roman Catholics than with Calvinists. You try to say that this debate takes place within the framework of Christianity but I would disagree. I am a Calvinist and I don’t consider you Arminians within the framework of reformation Christianity. You oppose, as Spurgeon said, the gospel itself since the gospel is nothing more than Calvinism as Calvin simply was proclaiming the gospel of grace that Paul preached.

Comment #5
Works will never get you to heaven my friend and you are trusting in your works more than in Christ for salvation. This is clear from a simple reading of your blog that you misunderstand grace and have cast it aside for the flesh. Of you Galatians 5:1-4 is true.

Comment #4
I saw that you have children. Are you going to raise them to be Arminians? How sad if you do.

Comment #3
A saved Arminian? I doubt it.

Comment #2
I am responding to your article on an unlimited atonement. Don’t you believe that this robs God of His glory if you teach that He sent His Son for all people? Don’t you believe that the grace of God is magnified when we teach that Jesus died for the elect? It seems to me that Arminians err when they try to say that an unlimited atonement exalts the grace of God. It doesn’t do that and if anything it exalts Man since it makes man the object of the cross.

Comment #1
You are a son of the devil and you and your lies will burn in hell.

[Link to original post and comments at Roy Ingle’s website]