I wanted to give a quick post about an excellent book edited by John Wagner entitled, Redemption Redeemed: A Puritan Defense of an Unlimited Atonement.

The book is edited by John and features the biblical defense of the Puritan John Goodwin. Reading the book you get the feel that Goodwin is one of the most intellectual defenders of an unlimited atonement in the history of the Church. Goodwin writes with typical Puritan style complete with numerous biblical references and he uses 17th century logic to defeat the popular Calvinist notion of a limited atonement while defending his own views. It is hard to imagine that Goodwin did not daily face ridicule for his beliefs since Calvinism dominated the Puritans.
For those of you who have read John Owen’s classic, The Death of Death In The Death of Christ, this book by John Goodwin will help you to see that not all Puritans ascribed to Owen’s Calvinistic doctrines. John Owen is often called the best Puritan theologian ever but I would have to add John Goodwin up there with him. Get the book and you will see why as well.
[Link to original post and comments on Roy Ingle’s blog Arminian Today]