Please click on the attachment to view Robert A. J. Gagnon, “Time for a Change of Leadership at Exodus?: Alan Chambers Assures “Gay Christians” That Unrepentant Homosexual Practice Is No Barrier to Salvation … among Other Gospel Distortions and Bad Moves”: Gagnon. Homosexual Practice and Salvation
With great sadness, Robert Gagnon addresses the unbiblical theology of Exodus International President Alan Chambers who believes that unrepentant “Gay Christians” who persist in homosexual acts will still wind up in heaven. Chambers’ “once saved, always saved even without perseverance in faith” belief is the driving force for his views. Gagnon demonstrates that Chambers’ viewpoint is terribly flawed from a biblical perspective and will severely hurt Exodus International’s goal of helping to free people from the sin of homosexuality. Due to Chambers’ serious departure from the Bible’s teaching on sin and its consequences, Gagnon believes that it is time for Chambers to step down as the leader of the largest organization of its kind in the world. Gagnon’s arguments are presented respectfully and persuasively. Gagnon is a member of the Calvinist denomination, Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA), and used to believe in “once saved always saved,” but now says, “I think the overwhelming weight of the New Testament speaks against it.” He is also the author of what may be the most in-depth theological work written on the topic of homosexuality—The Bible and Homosexual Practice: Texts and Hermeneutics (Abingdon Press, 500 pages).
We include this article on our site because of its relevance to the doctrine of perseverance and essentially advocating an Arminian position (conditional security) as well as standing against a cheap grace type of once saved always saved position and supporting a point at which our statement of faith is held in common with standard Calvinism, “that persevering in faith is necessary for final salvation.” Gagnon holds to conditional security and the possibility of apostasy. He argues well that faith in Christ should lead to a transformed life through the power of the Holy Spirit and enabled by grace.