This is part of an ongoing series on the atonement and how Arminians and Calvinists differ over the extent of the atonement and whether Jesus’ work was for the elect or the entire world. Calvinism…
Recent Posts
Roy Ingle, “Calvinism and the Atonement”
Andrew V. Sullivan, “A Methodist Before Methodism: The Wesleyan Reception of James Arminius”
Please click on the link to view Andrew V. Sullivan, “A Methodist Before Methodism: The Wesleyan Reception of James Arminius.”
Matt O’Reilly, “Why Crazy Love is Almost Wesleyan (but not quite) #FrancisChan”
It’s been more than ten years since I first read Francis Chan’s Crazy Love, and there was much then that I appreciated about it. I’ve been reading it again and still find much to commend,…
Richard Coords, “Omnipotence”
Being omnipotent means being all-powerful. But what does it mean for God to be all-powerful, and more specifically, what does it mean for God to govern all-powerfully? Many imagine how they might govern the universe.…
Mark K. Olson, “John Wesley’s Doctrine of the Baptism with the Holy Spirit: An Exegetical Study – Part Two”
Abstract: After looking at Wesley’s Journal, sermons, and NT commentary in Part One to discern his views on Spirit baptism. In Part Two, we survey Spirit baptism as the standard of spirituality and move on…
Brian Abasciano, “Answering Appeal to Hebrews 13:5 as a Prooftext for Once Saved Always Saved”
We recently received this inquiry concerning Hebrews 13:5 as a prooftext for “Once Saved Always Saved” or “Guaranteed/Inevitable Perseverance of the Saints”: The more I read/study the word for myself rather than relying on “what…
Wayne A. Brindle, “Prepared by Whom? Reprobation and Non-Calvinist Interpretations of Romans 9:22”
Please click on the link to view Wayne A. Brindle, “Prepared by Whom? Reprobation and Non-Calvinist Interpretations of Romans 9:22.”
Do Some Believe God First Regenerates You and Then You Can Reject or Accept Christ, or Does Regeneration Mean You Will Automatically Accept Christ?
On his website, Arminian Perspectives, Ben Henshaw has a questions page at which he answers questions about Arminianism and Calvinism that visitors to his site pose in the comment section of the page. Here is a question…
Roy Ingle, “The Arminian Understanding of the Atonement (Part 1)”
Louis Berkhof, in his systematic theology (p.393-394), points to agreements between Arminians and Calvinist. Berkhof states that the points of agreement are: 1. The sufficiency of Jesus’ atonement for all. [Editorial note: This phrase doesn’t mean the…
Mark K. Olson, “John Wesley’s Doctrine of the Baptism with the Holy Spirit: An Exegetical Study – Part One”
Abstract: In this two-part study John Wesley’s understanding of the baptism with the Holy Spirit is examined in detail. The phrase has been linked to a second, post-justification blessing in Holiness and Pentecostal theology. The…
Clayton Sidenbender, “How a Small US Evangelical Seminary Is Defying the Odds”
Please click on the link to view Clayton Sidenbender, “How a Small US Evangelical Seminary Is Defying the Odds.” The subhead of the article reads: “The school, which has grown 500% in 6 years, was…
Richard Coords, “Mystery”
The general perspective of Calvinists is that since we know that God is sovereign, who determines whatsoever comes to pass, and since we know that man is free, we must simply accept the mystery in…
Sermon Video: Jack Hibbs, “God’s Good – Good Sovereignty (Romans 9:14-29)”
From the video’s YouTube page: God’s sovereignty is rooted in His righteous character and exercised through mercy and compassion.
Video: The Adventures of Sir Calvin the Almost Gallant
This video is from the Lutheran Satire YouTube account, which explains the joke on the video’s YouTube page: “You know how when you tell Calvinists that their theology is bad, instead of defending their theology,…
Mark K. Olson, “From the Beginning to the End: John Wesley’s Doctrine of Creation”
Abstract: John Wesley is widely recognized for his contributions to the subject of soteriology (doctrine of salvation). Yet, his doctrine of creation serves as a backdrop and context for his teachings on salvation, sanctification, and…
Jonathan McLeod, “A Response to James White on 2 Peter 2:1”
Sometime ago James White, a well-known champion for Calvinists, addressed 2 Peter 2:1, offering an explanation of the text that would not undermine the doctrine of Limited/Particular Atonement. I will address each of the major…
Video: Joel Korytko, “Why Romans 9 Doesn’t Teach Calvinism”
This is a follow-up video to Joel Krytko’s previous video presenting verse-by-verse analysis of Romans 9 that has non-Calvinist conclusions. In this video, Joel is interviewed about Romans 9, bringing him to go deeper with…
Roy Ingle, “Calvinism and the Atonement”
This is part of an ongoing series on the atonement and how Arminians and Calvinists differ over the extent of the atonement and whether Jesus’ work was for the elect or the entire world. Calvinism…
Why Does God Deny the Opportunity of Choice for or Against Him to Young Children Who Die and the Mentally Impaired?
On his website, Arminian Perspectives, Ben Henshaw has a questions page at which he answers questions about Arminianism and Calvinism that visitors to his site pose in the comment section of the page. Here is a summarized…
Mark K. Olson, “Wesley’s ‘Warmed Heart’ at Aldersgate – What Really Happened?”
Abstract: Wesley’s religious experience at Aldersgate remains the most famous and debated event in his life. Scholars disagree on what the experience meant to Wesley at the time and over his lifetime. This article reviews…