Andrew, from Beyond Calvinism, posts: “Calvinism vs. Arminianism in the Context of Historic Christianity.” Dr. Larry Hurtado writes: “‘Early High Christology’: A ‘Paradigm Shift’? ‘New Perspective’?“ Roy Ingle, of Arminian Today, offers: “Short Thoughts on…
Recent Posts
This Week in Arminianism
My Final Post on Choice/Determinism Debate with Steve
Steve Hays and I have been discussing choice and determinism. However our last two posts have shown a significant increase in talking past each other rather then moving deeper into the topic. While I could…
Roy Ingle, “Luke 12 & The Case For Perseverance”
Is it wrong to insist on perseverance in the life of the disciple of Jesus? The answer to this question is not an easy one within the Church today. Some argue that perseverance teaching is…
Roy Ingle, “Saved by Grace, Kept by Grace”
The idea that Arminians don’t believe in being saved by grace is simply unfounded. Arminians strongly believe that it is through the grace of God alone that a person is justified (Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:5-7).…
Questioning Calvinism: Unconditional Election
When I was a Calvinist in the late 1990s, having been defending Calvinism as the lone orthodox theology of the Church for quite some time, I remember asking our assistant pastor at Providence Presbyterian Church…
This Week in Arminianism
Andrew, of Beyond Calvinism, highlights: “Bruxy Cavey (The Meeting House): Series on Calvinism & His Verse-by-Verse Exegesis of Romans 9.” Leighton Flowers, of Soteriology 101, posts: “Why Calvinists Cannot Have Assurance.” Asbury’s Seedbed offers: “Responding…
Roy Ingle, “Did God Predestine the Fall of Man?”
One of the difficult elements of Calvinism is that when you logically work through the doctrine of predestination you ultimately come to the conclusion that God caused Adam to sin or that He predestined the…
Assessing John Hendryx on Prevenient Grace hosts articles by various Calvinists, some of which present arguments against Arminianism based on a Calvinistic hermeneutic, and others of which are a pure misrepresentation of Arminian doctrine. Having read “A Short Response to…
Video: A Discussion between Arminian Theologian Roger Olson and Southern Baptist Theologian Paige Patterson
The Word “Elect” Does Not Infer Unconditional Election
Among John Piper’s “Five Reasons to Embrace Unconditional Election,” he lists, “We embrace unconditional election because God designed it to make us fearless in our proclamation of his grace in a hostile world.” (link) He…
This Week in Arminianism
Andrew, from Beyond Calvinism, presents Irv Brendlinger’s “John Wesley’s Theological Challenge to Slavery.” Adam Omelianchuk made a “Visit to Auschwitz.” Kingswood Hart, of The Predestination Station, comments on Romans 10:4-13. Roy Ingle, of Arminian Today, began…
Jacob Arminius Refutes William Perkins on Perseverance
Whether or not one adheres to the theology of Jacob Arminius in toto, Arminius’ careful attention to context regarding scriptural interpretation cannot be overemphasized. For example, debating Roman Catholic apologist Adrian Smetius on the subject of…
Dan Chapa, “Calvinism & Determinism”
It seems Calvinism is simply determinism in the context of soteriology. Determinism is the cause and TULIP is the result. Let’s walk through TULIP to see if we can spot determinism. Total Depravity – Hum……
Arminius Reconsidered: Contemporary Theological Discourse
From the concluding chapter of the recent book, Reconsidering Arminius: Beyond the Reformed and Wesleyan Divide, Dr. Keith D. Stanglin offers his own thoughts on Arminius’ theology in conversation with contemporary theological discourse. This task…
Roger Olson, ‘“Reformed Arminianism?” Another Book about Arminian Theology’
“Reformed Arminianism?” Another Book about Arminian Theology Reviewed: J. Matthew Pinson’s Arminian and Baptist: Explorations in a Theological Tradition(Randall House, 2015) At the very end of his excellent book Arminian and Baptist Free Will Baptist…
This Week in Arminianism
Adam, from Beyond Calvinism, posts: “Adam Hamilton: Why? Making Sense of God’s Will.” Kingswood Hart, of The Predestination Station, outlines “Romans 9:30-10:3.” Roy Ingle, of Arminian Today, presents: “The Mysterious Tensions in Theology.” Asbury’s Seedbed…
Craig Keener, “Once-Saved-Always-Saved? Maybe not”
Please click on the link to view Craig Keener, “Once-Saved-Always-Saved? Maybe not.”
Roy Ingle, “The Life of James Arminius”
Who was James (or Jacobus) Arminius? His actual name was Jacob Harmenszoon when he was born in Oudewater, Holland in 1559. His father died before his birth and thus Jacob was raised by a widowed…
Gomarus Learns from Arminius in Debate
By far Arminius’ fiercest opponent was Francis Gomarus (1563-1641), a supralapsarian Calvinist whose intent at Leiden was to undermine and challenge Arminius’ broadly Reformed scholastic orthodoxy. Arminius was drawn into debate with Gomarus by obligation,…
This Week in Arminianism
Dr. Vic Reasoner asks, “Do (Wesleyan) Arminians Believe in Inerrancy?“ Kingswood Hart, of The Predestination Station, expounds upon “Romans 9:1-5.” Nicholas Rudolph Quient, of Split Frame of Reference, posts: “Prodigals and Parables: A (Short) Analysis…