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This Week in Arminianism

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Dr Craig Keener, of Bible Background, publishes: “When You Have to Stand Alone.” Mike Barlotta, of Dead Heroes Don’t Save, is currently “Blogging Through Grace for All: The God at the Center.” William Birch, of…

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Humanity Needs a Personal God

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Humanity demands a [personal] God who can thus be recognized and worshiped. The instinct of reverence and homage, which evidently pervades the human heart, so much so that it has found its place as an…

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This Week in Arminianism

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Kingswood Hart, of The Predestination Station, presents: “Structure of Romans — The Whole Letter.” Roger Olson asks: “Is There (Can There Be) a ‘Christian Philosophy’?“ Traditional Southern Baptists of SBC Today offer: “Confessions of a…

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This Week in Arminianism

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Steve Manskar, of Wesleyan Leadership, posts: “The Church is Built on Discipleship.” Keith Schooley, of The Schooley Files, writes: “Feed My Sheep.” Traditional Southern Baptists at SBC Today hosts Dr. Donald S. Fox’s article, regarding…

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Compatibilism vs. Free Will

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God’s relationship with not only His universe but also the creatures whom He created in His own image has been debated, fashioned, and refashioned throughout the history of the Church. From what one may gather,…

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Many are Called But Few are Chosen

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The phrase, “for many are called but few are chosen,” is found at Matthew 22:14. A few translations, some quite surprisingly (Amplified, ISV, OJB), place the verse also at Matthew 20:16 (Amplified, Darby, Douay-Rheims, Geneva,…

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This Week in Arminianism

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Roy Ingle, of Arminian Today, wonders if we are “Looking for Ourselves or Christ in Scripture.” Seedbed offers: “The Cross as the Great Translation of Holiness.” Craig Adams, of Commonplace Holiness, quotes T.A. Noble, “How…

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Rich Davis, “The “C” in Calvinism?”

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In 2009 Time magazine ran a story entitled “10 Ideas Changing the World Right Now” (Thursday, March 12). Not surprisingly, the top two spots were occupied by new trend setting thinking on career/workplace and life…

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