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Many are Called But Few are Chosen

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The phrase, “for many are called but few are chosen,” is found at Matthew 22:14. A few translations, some quite surprisingly (Amplified, ISV, OJB), place the verse also at Matthew 20:16 (Amplified, Darby, Douay-Rheims, Geneva,…

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This Week in Arminianism

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Roy Ingle, of Arminian Today, wonders if we are “Looking for Ourselves or Christ in Scripture.” Seedbed offers: “The Cross as the Great Translation of Holiness.” Craig Adams, of Commonplace Holiness, quotes T.A. Noble, “How…

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Rich Davis, “The “C” in Calvinism?”

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In 2009 Time magazine ran a story entitled “10 Ideas Changing the World Right Now” (Thursday, March 12). Not surprisingly, the top two spots were occupied by new trend setting thinking on career/workplace and life…

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This Week in Arminianism

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Dr. Roger Olson offers: “Why Hyper-Calvinism in Consistent Calvinism,” and “The Dialectic of ‘Nature and Grace’ in Christian Theology.” Traditional Southern Baptists at SBC Today highlight: Leighton Flowers’ “Corporate Election = Impersonal Election?” and Dr.…

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Is There More to Arminianism Than Its Five Points?

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John Bugay of Triablogue posted a comment from Stephen Wolfe’s Facebook page that suggests Roman Catholicism should be the Calvinist’s greatest focus and opponent, not Arminianism; that the latter should be reduced merely to its…

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This Week in Arminianism

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Frank Viola offers some interesting insights into the character of John Calvin: “Shocking Beliefs of John Calvin.” Robin Phillips tells us: “Why I Stopped Being a Calvinist (Part 1): Calvinism Presents a Dehistoricized Bible.” Dr.…

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Was Arminius an Open Theist?

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There exists a false charge that Arminius’ theology, when consistently maintained, renders one an Open Theist. This charge is merely a rhetorical one, synonymous with the insistence that the only consistent Calvinism is hyper-Calvinism, or…

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This Week in Arminianism

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Andrew Hnatiuk, of Beyond Calvinism, is “Answering Calvinist Proof-Texts, Part 1 — John 6.” Arminian Perspectives offers: “No Real Choice in Calvinism.” Seedbed highlights: “The Key to Making Lament a Part of Healthy Spirituality,” Matt…

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