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This Week in Arminianism

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Andrew, from Beyond Calvinism, presents Irv Brendlinger’s “John Wesley’s Theological Challenge to Slavery.” Adam Omelianchuk made a “Visit to Auschwitz.” Kingswood Hart, of The Predestination Station, comments on Romans 10:4-13. Roy Ingle, of Arminian Today, began…

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Jacob Arminius Refutes William Perkins on Perseverance

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Whether or not one adheres to the theology of Jacob Arminius in toto, Arminius’ careful attention to context regarding scriptural interpretation cannot be overemphasized. For example, debating Roman Catholic apologist Adrian Smetius on the subject of…

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Arminius Reconsidered: Contemporary Theological Discourse

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From the concluding chapter of the recent book, Reconsidering Arminius: Beyond the Reformed and Wesleyan Divide, Dr. Keith D. Stanglin offers his own thoughts on Arminius’ theology in conversation with contemporary theological discourse. This task…

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This Week in Arminianism

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Adam, from Beyond Calvinism, posts: “Adam Hamilton: Why? Making Sense of God’s Will.” Kingswood Hart, of The Predestination Station, outlines “Romans 9:30-10:3.” Roy Ingle, of Arminian Today, presents: “The Mysterious Tensions in Theology.” Asbury’s Seedbed…

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Gomarus Learns from Arminius in Debate

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By far Arminius’ fiercest opponent was Francis Gomarus (1563-1641), a supralapsarian Calvinist whose intent at Leiden was to undermine and challenge Arminius’ broadly Reformed scholastic orthodoxy. Arminius was drawn into debate with Gomarus by obligation,…

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This Week in Arminianism

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Dr. Vic Reasoner asks, “Do (Wesleyan) Arminians Believe in Inerrancy?“ Kingswood Hart, of The Predestination Station, expounds upon “Romans 9:1-5.” Nicholas Rudolph Quient, of Split Frame of Reference, posts: “Prodigals and Parables: A (Short) Analysis…

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This Week in Arminianism

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Andrew, of Beyond Calvinism, offers: “Another Testimony from a Former Calvinist: Ben Irwin: ‘The Day the TULIP Died.’“ Ben Witherington, of Bible and Culture, will be reviewing the book, Jacob Arminius: Theologian of Grace, by…

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The Wedding of Arminianism and Anglicanism

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Anglicanism’s theological roots (those of the established Church of England) were grounded in Roman Catholic ideology in its initial stage. Roman Catholic site New Advent states: “Before the breach with Rome under Henry VIII there…

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This Week in Arminianism

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Argo, of Unreforming Theology, posts: “The Moral and Intellectual Drought of ‘God Controls all Things’” (Part One, Part Two). Kingswood Hart, of The Predestination Station, is blogging through Romans 9: “Romans 9-11: Key Terms and…

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