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This Week in Arminianism

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Kevin Jackson, of Wesleyan Arminian, brings us: “Words That Arminians and Calvinists Define Differently.” Calvinist Steve Hays grants us insight into the mind of Calvinist James White: “Full-Tilt Attack Mode.” Simon Kittle, from the UK,…

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Christian Philosopher Lydia McGrew on Calvinism

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This conversation took place in the comment section of one of Dr. Lydia McGrew’s posts at her blog Extra Thoughts: C. M. Granger said… Hi Lydia, why aren’t you a Calvinist? 11/26/2015 6:25 PM Lydia McGrew said……

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Rich Davis, “Carter’s Calvinism — Once More”

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[Editor’s note: Dr. Rich Davis, professor of philosophy at Tyndale University College & Seminary and chair of its philosophy department, wrote “A Demonstration Against Calvinism,” to which his colleague, Professor Craig Carter, replied with a piece “In…

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Rich Davis, “On Carter’s Calvinism”

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[Editor’s note: Dr. Rich Davis, professor of philosophy at Tyndale University College & Seminary and chair of its philosophy department, wrote “A Demonstration Against Calvinism,” to which his colleague, Professor Craig Carter, replied with a piece “In…

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This Week in Arminianism

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Asbury’s Seedbed publishes: “Wesley: On Christian Perfection,” “Are All Your Responses to Current Events Really All That Christian?” and “A Surprising Twist on the Parable of the Good Samaritan.” Steven Sewell, of The Arminian Files,…

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This Week in Arminianism

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Pastor Steven L. Winters, of Thunder Sounds, posts: “The Limits of Omniscience.” Leighton Flowers, of Soteriology 101, writes “The Potter’s Love,” and asks “What If I’m Wrong?” regarding the consequences to holding a non-Calvinistic theology.…

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Arminius the Gadfly

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A gadfly is a “persistent irritating critic; a nuisance.” (link) The late Anglican priest John R.W. Stott comments that the Church needs gadflies to “sting and harry us into action for change,” even though gadflies…

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This Week in Arminianism

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Roy Ingle, of Arminian Today, posts “So the Lord Changed His Mind,” and encourages us, “Don’t Use Evil to Destroy Another.” Matt, of A Theology in Tension, is “Clotting a Wound with Spiritual Platelets.” Evan…

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The Motive for Arminius’ Theology

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What we must first understand about Arminius’ theological thought process is his positional biblicistic framework. Calvinist theologian Richard A. Muller confesses as much: “Had Arminius been a biblicistic pietist,” i.e., a devotional writer, “promulgating a…

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