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This Week in Arminianism

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James Leonard, of Arminian Baptist, posts: “Three Things Every Pastor Should Do on Monday.” Andrew, from Acts 20v20, asks: “Can 5-Point Calvinism Ever Lead to a ‘Great Missionary Movement’?“ Roy Ingle, of Arminian Today, blogs:…

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This Week in Arminianism

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Roy Ingle, of Arminian Today, declares “I’m Reformed,” and also posts “Should Theological Knowledge Lead to Meanness?” and “We are All Fallible.” Leighton Flowers, of Soteriology 101, asks “Which is Worse?” regarding the old Calvinist…

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Calvin on Faith Preceding Regeneration

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Arminius, in his Dissertation on Romans 7, insists that faith in Christ precedes regeneration: “Besides, even true and living faith in Christ precedes regeneration strictly taken, and consisting of the mortification or death of the…

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This Week in Arminianism

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Roger Olson reflects: “John Piper and ‘Christian Hedonism.’“ Leighton Flowers, of Soteriology 101, asks “Which is Worse?” and offers “Esau Have I Loved, Jacob Have I Hated.” Traditional Southern Baptists at SBC Today post: “A…

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Dick Lucas on Ezekiel 18

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In a sermon from 1981, Dick Lucas, former Rector of St. Helen’s church in London (which normally teaches Calvinism), speaks about God’s passionate appeal for sinners to repent, and explains why Christianity is incompatible with…

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This Week in Arminianism

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Steve Sewell, of The Arminian Files, asks (and answers): “Does Compatibilism Make Sense?“ Leighton Flowers, of Soteriology 101, asks (and answers): “Were the Twins Foreknown?“ Traditional Southern Baptists at SBC Today post Braxton Hunter’s “A…

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