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Video: David Allen Sermon on 1 John 2:1-2

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This video is of the entire 11:20 am church service at First Baptist Church, Irving, TX on February 14, 2016. It can be viewed here. The sermon begins at the 22:45 mark. Allen begins to deal…

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Lion-Hearted Arminius in a Fist Fight

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Arminius’ mild-mannered temperament is noted in the pages of history from both his friends as well as his foes: The personal character of Arminius was irreproachable; and he attracted the esteem and applause of his…

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This Week in Arminianism

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Nelson Banuchi, of By the Tree, posts on the Greek word κόσμος, World, at John 3:16 — a word that does not lexically refer to “the unconditionally elect.” William Birch offers: “Calvinism Does Not ‘Line…

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This Week in Arminianism

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James Leonard, of Arminian Baptist, tackles the subject of worship styles in his post: “Neither Traditional Nor Contemporary But Engagement.” Dr. Will Willimon, of A Peculiar Prophet, presents part one of “Pastor: The Theology and…

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Life after Arminius: The Arminians and Dordt

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After the death of Arminius, anti-Arminian Calvinists become emboldened, which merely attests to the place of prominence granted Arminius within his own lifetime: with Arminius still alive, the anti-Arminians find lording their doctrines over the…

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This Week in Arminianism

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Asbury’s Seedbed highlights: “A Guide for Christian Fasting through Lent,” “Lent Re-orients Us to the Gospel,” and “Keeping Lent: 10 Ways to Walk through Lent.” Dale Wayman, of IRONSTRIKES, presents: “Trusting God,” “My Little Plastic…

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Loraine Boettner’s Botched Church History

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The Church history of Loraine Boettner (1901-1990), as such intersects with Calvinism, is a world of fantastical claims not at all grounded in reality. From the Grace Online Library, Boettner is quoted as insisting, “It…

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This Week in Arminianism

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James Leonard, of Arminian Baptist, posts: “Three Things Every Pastor Should Do on Monday.” Andrew, from Acts 20v20, asks: “Can 5-Point Calvinism Ever Lead to a ‘Great Missionary Movement’?“ Roy Ingle, of Arminian Today, blogs:…

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