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This Week in Arminianism

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Dr. Leighton Flowers, of Soteriology 101, challenges the theories of John Piper regarding God, creation and glory in “Grace and Glory,” as well as “Casting Lots to Find God’s Will.” William Birch offers: “Answering Chris…

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That Wonderful (Mind-Controlling) God?

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“You have searched me, LORD, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are…

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This Week in Arminianism

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Roy Ingle, of Arminian Today, posts: “Then the Gospel Came …“ Gene Brode, of The Grace Apparatus, continues posting “Essential Meditations for Backsliders.” Pastor Steven L. Winters, of Thunder Sounds, offers: “Worship as Fellowship.” Dr.…

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Apostasy and Perseverence

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Perseverance of the Saints: The P in TULIP, and something that Calvinists love to use as a bludgeon against Arminians and other non-calvinists. “My salvation is secure because it’s rooted in God, not my fickle…

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The Cause of God and Presuppositions: Irenæus

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English Baptist and theological hyper-Calvinist John Gill (1697-1771), in his work, The Cause of God and Truth, is found guilty of not only committing numerous logical fallacies regarding the writings of the early Church fathers…

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This Week in Arminianism

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Dr. Leighton Flowers, of Soteriology 101, posts: “1 John 5:1 Does Not Teach Pre-Faith Regeneration.” Traditional Southern Baptists at SBC Today highlight pastor Ronnie Rogers’ “Calvinism’s View of the Origin of Sin and God’s Offer…

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Reformed Arminianism: Oxymoron or Historically Orthodox?

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Someone asked whether one should refer to classical Arminianism as Reformed Arminianism (some prefer Reformation Arminianism). Arminian Baptist James Leonard commented to me personally that his hope is that people will not think that we…

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This Week in Arminianism

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Pastor Steven L. Winters, of Thunder Sounds, posts: “Worship as an Expression of Faith.” Craig L. Adams, of Commonplace Holiness, asks: “Is Belief in God Meritorious?“ Dr. Roger Olson offers the following essay that refutes…

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Luther and Arminius on Free Will

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Luther, in 1528, pens his theological beliefs so that, in the future, “either during my life or after my death, there should be those who would undertake to falsify my writings so as to bolster…

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