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This Week in Arminianism

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The Remonstrance offers the podcast: “Arminius on Imputation.” Micah Joseph Currado, of Yield to God, presents: “God for Toddlers: Let the Little Children Come Unto Me.” Matt O’Reilly promotes “Reading Romans in Context.” Steve Sewell,…

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Determinism in the Hebrew Scriptures: Isaiah

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For consistent Calvinists like John Piper, an inevitable implication of the sovereignty of God — and what it means for God to be God — is a prominent thread easily detected throughout all of their…

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Enabling the Cage-Stage Calvinist

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The “cage stage” refers to new Calvinist converts by or through which the individual becomes rabid with Calvinist dogma to the degree that, unless she or he is “caged,” so to state the matter, the…

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This Week in Arminianism

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Micah Joseph Currado, of Yield to God, blogs: “A.W. Tozer on the Love of God,” “Desert Fathers on Knowing God,” and “Trinity … Love … Theosis.” The Society of Evangelical Arminians offers Ben Witherington’s review…

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This Week in Arminianism

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Remonstrance, by Pilgrim’s Pathway, brings us: “The Doctrine of the Atonement.” Julie Anne, from Spiritual Sounding Board, offers: “New Disturbing Tweet from John Piper.” Dee and Deb, from The Wartburg Watch, present: “What Non-Calvinists Should…

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“Take It Up with Paul”

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On Tuesday, I got a Calvinist to say, essentially, “Who cares that God made you sin; he’s God and he does what he wants.” Those weren’t the exact words, but if you read on, you…

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This Week in Arminianism

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Micah Joseph, of Yield to God, presents: “Determinism (Part One) — Rejected by Early Church Consensus,” and “Determinism (Part Two) — Rejected by Scripture.” Simon Kittle posts: “Lucas on Grace and Freedom.” Steve Sewell, of…

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Calvinism and the Knowledge of God

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In this brief post I intend to engage a thought experiment I had when I suggested that God, in Calvinism, cannot foreknow the future; hence that is why God, in Calvinism, must decree or foreordain…

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