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Determinism in the Hebrew Scriptures: Ezekiel

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As should be expected, the prophet Ezekiel promotes the same theoretical unCalvinistic and libertarian worldview as do both prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah. This is not surprising, given the notion of Scripture as being wholly agreeable,…

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Steve Sewell, “Elect Bride”

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All Scripture quotations are from the 1901 American Standard Version unless otherwise noted. The Bride of Christ – A Picture of Corporate Election The fact that we, as the Church, are identified as the “Bride”…

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Determinism in the Hebrew Scriptures: Jeremiah

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“I don’t see how anyone could read the Old Testament and not conclude that Calvinism is right,” was the conclusion of one Calvinist professor, admitted in front of his class. In context, by “Calvinism” he…

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This Week in Arminianism

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The Remonstrance offers the podcast: “Arminius on Imputation.” Micah Joseph Currado, of Yield to God, presents: “God for Toddlers: Let the Little Children Come Unto Me.” Matt O’Reilly promotes “Reading Romans in Context.” Steve Sewell,…

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Determinism in the Hebrew Scriptures: Isaiah

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For consistent Calvinists like John Piper, an inevitable implication of the sovereignty of God — and what it means for God to be God — is a prominent thread easily detected throughout all of their…

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Enabling the Cage-Stage Calvinist

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The “cage stage” refers to new Calvinist converts by or through which the individual becomes rabid with Calvinist dogma to the degree that, unless she or he is “caged,” so to state the matter, the…

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This Week in Arminianism

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Micah Joseph Currado, of Yield to God, blogs: “A.W. Tozer on the Love of God,” “Desert Fathers on Knowing God,” and “Trinity … Love … Theosis.” The Society of Evangelical Arminians offers Ben Witherington’s review…

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