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Wesley’s 22 questions

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These are 22 questions the members of John Wesley’s Holy Club asked themselves every day in their private devotions over 200 years ago. Interesting how they are still relevant today. 1. Am I consciously or…

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The Friday Files

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The Friday Files compiles links to posts from Arminian and other non-Calvinistic bloggers from around the globe. All links are offered because they are thought to be of potential interest to those who are interested…

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Can God Love All People?

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Calvinist John Piper answers the question he himself frames and thus poses: “Why can’t God eternally love those who don’t believe in Him?” (link) Is there not at least one obvious and inherent flaw in…

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The Bible Project Video on Job

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The Bible Project is a tremendous resource for understanding the Bible that, in the Project’s own words, utilizes short-form, fully animated videos to make the biblical story accessible to everyone, everywhere. We create videos, podcasts, and…

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The Friday Files

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The Friday Files compiles certain posts from Arminian and other non-Calvinistic bloggers from around the globe with a special introduction explaining each post. Kingswood Hart of The Predestination Station offers us insight into the relevancy…

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Rich Davis, “Calvinism’s Gospel Tautology”

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Christians of every stripe agree that Christ’s substitutionary and atoning work on Calvary’s cross is marvelous beyond comprehension. It is an act of unspeakable mercy, condescension, and grace—on the human level, wholly unearned and uninitiated,…

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The Friday Files

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The Friday Files compiles certain posts from Arminian and other non-Calvinistic bloggers from around the globe with a special introduction explaining each post. All links are offered because they are thought to be of potential…

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The Gift of Faith

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When Calvinists accused Jacobus Arminius of insisting that faith in Christ is not the gift of God, he responded: “I never said this, I never thought of saying it, and, relying on God’s grace, I never…

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The Practical Implications of Free Will

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In the follow-up post to “A Beginner’s Guide to ‘Free Will’,” entitled “Six Practical Reasons ‘Free Will’ Matters,” John Piper expounds upon the practicality of Free Will. After all, he states, “It is a great…

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A Beginner’s Guide to Free Will

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Free Will regards the ability to make choices — choices that were not necessitated and brought into reality by a proactive and eternal decree of God — choices that lead to belief systems resulting in…

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