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The Friday Files

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The Friday Files compiles links to posts from Arminian and other non-Calvinistic bloggers from around the globe, and highlights older posts from the SEA archives. All links are offered because they are thought to be…

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A Thanksgiving Day prayer

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I praise and honor you today, Lord Christ! Through the years of my life you have been my God, my joy, my strength. On this Thanksgiving Day, may I not stray from your path but…

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The Friday Files

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The Friday Files compiles links to posts from Arminian and other non-Calvinistic bloggers from around the globe, and highlights older posts from the SEA archives. All links are offered because they are thought to be…

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Jerry Walls: Calvinism & The God Of Love

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Dr. Jerry Walls speaks about logical argument which exposes Calvinism’s inherit contradiction regarding God’s loving nature. From the video’s YouTube page: “Published on Nov 14, 2016 In this edition of the Evangel University Guest Lecture…

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The Friday Files

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The Friday Files compiles links to posts from Arminian and other non-Calvinistic bloggers from around the globe. All links are offered because they are thought to be of potential interest to those who are interested…

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John Wesley On Regeneration

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  John Wesley was someone who focused on the practical matters of living out the Christian life. But he did not ignore the essential doctrines of the faith. In sermon #45, entitled “The New Birth”,…

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Prevenient Grace: An Introduction

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Understanding the doctrine of prevenient grace was one of the most valuable studies for me after leaving Calvinism.  It provided an answer to one of the simplest arguments I used to make for Calvinism: I…

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