The parable of the Prodigal Son of Luke delivers some interesting theology. It (a) corrects the Calvinist concept of spiritual death to mean separation—not a corpse in a tomb, (b) shows how everyone is 100%…

The parable of the Prodigal Son of Luke delivers some interesting theology. It (a) corrects the Calvinist concept of spiritual death to mean separation—not a corpse in a tomb, (b) shows how everyone is 100%…
A critic writes that if human beings have true “free agency,” then God could not punish them for their “sins.” He sees a conflict between the ideas of freedom and responsibility. Let us briefly consider…
SEA members Dan Chapa, Chris Bastedo, and Richard Coords discuss Ephesians 1, election, and predestination from an Arminian perspective. The video below may also be accessed on YouTube at
It is estimated that John Wesley traveled around 250,000 miles and preached over 40,000 sermons in a span of 66 years. This series by Mark K. Olson, taken from his website, includes summaries and…
[This post first appeared at] I’ve written elsewhere that I see a strong parallel between the Holy Spirit’s work pre-Pentecost and His continuing, pre-regenerating work on unbelievers after Pentecost. For believers, we now also experience…
In the video below, SEA members Dan Chapa, Chris Bastedo, and Martin Glynn (one of SEA’s Vice Presidents) respond to the GotQuestions staff’s discussion of Arminianism. Using the acronym DAISY, GotQuestions summarized the 5 points…
For to this end we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of those who believe. – 1 Timothy 4:10 (NKJV) …
On his website, Arminian Perspectives, Ben Henshaw has a questions page at which he answers questions about Arminianism and Calvinism that visitors to his site pose in the comment section of the page. Here are some edited…
One way that Atheists assail Christianity is by asking rhetorical questions like: “Given all of the evil and misery in this world, if there really was a God, how could he be good?” So, then,…
Dr. Dale V. Wayman, one of SEA’s Vice Presidents, joins SEA member Dan Chapa to discuss prevenient grace, which is the Holy Spirit’s supernatural work on the soul that goes before and enables our trusting…
Every serious Bible student knows that God has moved in international affairs across the centuries. But does he do so still today? This brief article probes this question. Please click on the link to view Wayne…
Jacobus Arminius died on October 19, 1609. The infamous Synod of Dort convened in 1618-1619, a full nine years after the death of Arminius. The Articles of the Remonstrants were written in 1610 and debated…
On his website, Arminian Perspectives, Ben Henshaw has a questions page at which he answers questions about Arminianism and Calvinism that visitors to his site pose in the comment section of the page. Here is a question…
SEA members Dan Chapa and Richard Coords discuss the second part of Romans 9, regarding Pharaoh, God as a potter, and vessels of mercy and wrath. The video below can also be accessed on YouTube…
Does the Bible teach that a Christian cannot ever fall away from grace? Please click on the link to view Wayne Jackson, “Take Heed Lest You Fall,” published in Christian Courier.
Does Calvinism lead to pride? In other words, in Calvinism’s doctrine of Unconditional Election, if one believed that God chose them from eternity—over their neighbors—how might that type of thinking tend to affect them, emotionally…
This video was published on YouTube September 14, 2024: From the video description: In 1610, the Remonstrants of Holland presented five Articles which came to define “Arminianism”. From Part 4 “Election is Conditional &…
Many Calvinists have made the mistake of stating that Arminianism teaches that human beings can will themselves to salvation. Some Calvinists have even taught that Arminians believe that Jesus died to secure salvation for all…
Calvinist James White debated Catholic Robert Sungenis on the Mass and then on the sacrifice of the Mass. In the debates, Robert argued for the Mass as repeated sacrifices whereas James White used the logic…
PRAYER OF CONSECRATION Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you. Jesus, I belong to you. I lift up my heart to you. I set my mind on you. I…