Once again it’s time for the Friday Files, SEA’s weekly roundup of older posts, plus articles found round the blogosphere thought to be of interest to those interested in Arminian/Calvinist issues. And since it’s St.…
Recent Posts
Friday Files, 23 Feb 2018
Dr. Craig Keener, Video Lecture: Romans 8:26-9:16
Biblical eLearning (http://biblicalelearning.org) presents: Dr. Craig Keener on Romans This is the tenth of 18 lectures by Dr. Craig Keener of Asbury Seminary, Wilmore, Kentucky, on the book of Romans. The video may also be…
Dr. Craig Keener, Video Lecture: Romans 9:7-11:32
Biblical eLearning (http://biblicalelearning.org) presents: Dr. Craig Keener on Romans This is the tenth of 18 lectures by Dr. Craig Keener of Asbury Seminary, Wilmore, Kentucky, on the book of Romans. The video may also be…
Dr. Craig Keener Video Lectures on Romans
Please click on the link to view Craig Keener’s 18 lecture series on Romans.
Friday Files, 16 Feb 2018
As promised, it’s the St. Onesimus’s Day edition of the Friday Files—SEA’s weekly roundup of older posts, plus articles found round the blogosphere thought to be of interest to those interested in Arminian/Calvinist issues. Names…
Cur Deus Homo
“God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things” (Colossians 1:19-20, NIV). “Cur Deus homo?” was the great question that challenged the Church for centuries. “Why…
William Lane Craig Answers Some Questions on Determinism
In his Q&A section of his site, Dr. William Lane Craig recently gave his thoughts both on Compatibilism and Determinism. One of the most interesting comments was that he doesn’t hold to the Principle of…
Worship and Holiness
“Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers…
Friday Files, 9 Feb 2018
Yep, it’s the St. Apollonia’s Day edition of the Friday Files, where we highlight older SEA posts, and point to articles found round the blogosphere thought to be of interest to those interested in Arminian/Calvinist…
Consecrate Yourselves
Joshua told the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.”- Joshua 3:5 In the Old Testament, Joshua had some big shoes to fill. He took over for Moses and…
Church of the Nazarene: A New Manual Reflects New Changes
The 2017-2021 Manual of the Church of the Nazarene became effective 1 December 2017, marking the first time an electronic version of the Manual was considered the official version. A traditional, printed version is on track for publication by May as…
Friday Files, 2 Feb 18
Happy Groundhog Day! It’s time for another post of The Friday Files. We know what you’re thinking: “Didn’t I just read the Friday Files yesterday? Wait, didn’t all of this happen yesterday?” Nah; that was…
Roy Ingle, Arminianism Begins With God’s Goodness
One of the main assertions by Calvinist is that Arminians begin with man’s free will while Calvinism begins with the sovereignty of God and the doctrines of grace. In fact, most Calvinist web sites will…
Roy Ingle, Class Election
Class Election I want to address the doctrine of election by offering a view that is often given by many Arminians and even some moderate Calvinist and that is the class election view. This takes…
Prevenient Grace: An Online Discussion in Our Outreach Group
In our Facebook Outreach Group, The Society of Evangelical Arminians offers a forum for people to learn about the beliefs of Arminianism and SEA in particular. You can find that page here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/81731686472/ Recently we…
Friday Files, 26 Jan 18
Another Friday, another post of The Friday Files, our weekly stack of links: We highlight older SEA posts, and point to a few pieces, thought to be of interest to those interested in Arminian/Calvinist issues,…
Mike Barlotta, “John Owen on Preaching the Gospel to those whom Christ did not die for”
John Owen was well aware of the arguments against limited atonement regarding the preaching of the gospel. Particularly that the gospel, preached to the non-elect (or reprobate), was vain and useless. Opponents make this claim,…
Friday Files, 19 Jan 18
And now for something completely the same: The Friday Files, our weekly stack of links: We highlight older SEA posts, and highlight stuff from around the Arminian and non-Calvinist blogosphere. Names in green indicate SEA…
Friday Files, 12 Jan 18
It’s The Friday Files, our weekly stack of links: We highlight older SEA posts, and highlight stuff from around the Arminian and non-Calvinist blogosphere. Names in green indicate SEA members. Inclusion isn’t necessarily approval or…
The Joy of the Remonstrance
On January 14th, 1610, several theologians met in the Hague to issue forth a statement of protest against the established order of the Reformed Church. This statement became a simple remonstrance, stating for clarification 5…