Recent Posts

Friday Files, 6 Apr 2018

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It’s the St. Eutychius edition of the Friday Files, SEA’s weekly grab-bag of articles from the SEA archives, and relevant recent articles regarding Arminian/Calvinist issues. SEA member names are highlighted in blue. The views expressed…

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Resurrection Sunday Prayer

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Jesus, Lord and Risen One, I worship you and rejoice in your resurrection from the dead. Thank you that you are life and hold the keys to life. Help me bear witness to your life…

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Friday Files, 30 Mar 18

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It’s the Good Friday edition of the Friday Files, SEA’s weekly rundown of stuff from the SEA archives, and relevant recent articles on Arminian/Calvinist issues. Inclusion on this page doesn’t guarantee SEA’s endorsement, no matter…

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Friday Files, 23 Mar 2018

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It’s the St. Gwinear’s Day edition of the Friday Files, SEA’s weekly rundown of stuff from the SEA archives, and relevant recent articles on Arminian/Calvinist issues. Inclusion on this page absoutely does not guarantee SEA’s…

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Friday Files, 16 Mar 2018

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It’s St. Abbán moccu Corbmaic’s Day, although more people are probably gonna focus on another Ireland-related saint, along with the many, many violations of the Lenten season which irreligious people plan to commit in Pádraig’s…

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Introducing the FWS Podcast

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If you cannot see the player above follow this link: Introduction Episode Welcome to the FWS Podcast! This podcast is dedicated to the spread of Biblical Wesleyan theology. FWS Podcast is a ministry of the Fundamental…

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Arminius on Pelagius

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“Free Will is unable to begin or to perfect any true and spiritual good without Grace. That I may not be said, like Pelagius, to practice delusion with regard to the word “Grace,” I mean…

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Friday Files, 9 Mar 2018

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It’s the St. Cyril of Alexandria Day edition of the Friday Files, SEA’s weekly roundup of older posts, plus recent articles round the blogosphere of interest to those interested in Arminian/Calvinist issues. Names in green…

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