A synopsis of the relationship between the simple acronym TULIP and the rich tradition of the Reformation. http://appliedtruth.org/theology/2019/9/30/a-critique-of-tulip-usage-in-reformed-theology?fbclid=IwAR28LDdqu63yt_svMTPQ0ZShbPLEJrRbRK8xcx35636vIh8tTRepVhfTrp4
Recent Posts
Applied Truth, “A Critique of TULIP Usage in Reformed Theology”
Ed Stetzer, “One-on-One with Jeffrey Barbeau on Methodism”
Ed Stetzer interviews Dr. Jeffrey Barbeau about his latest book. Dr. Barbeau serves as Professor of Theology at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois. To view Ed Stetzer, “One-on-One with Jeffrey Barbeau on Methodism,” via Christianity Today…
The Folly of Doing Theology in an Echo Chamber: A Thorough Examination of Piper’s “Two-Wills” View (Part 7)
[StriderMTB’s lengthy article, “The Folly of Doing Theology in an Echo Chamber: A Thorough Examination of Piper’s ‘Two-Wills’ View,” has been divided into 30 parts and edited for serial publication on this website. Here is…
Friday Files, 12 October 2019
It’s the Friday Files!… a day late, on Saturday. Sorry about that. Where I live, we have electrical problems. So I guess this is now the St. Wilfrid’s Day edition. Once again, we look back…
FWS Podcast: Biblical Application
If you cannot see the player above follow this link: Application (Part 1) If you cannot see the player above follow this link: Application (Part 2) In these episodes Dr. Vic Reasoner presents his teaching…
Tim Stratton and Jacobus Erasmus, “Divine Determinism and the Problem of Hell”
Please click on the link to view Tim Stratton and Jacobus Erasmus, “Divine Determination and the Problem of Hell”, Perichoresis Volume 16. Issue 2 (2018): 3-15. Here is the Authors’ abstract of the article: Divine…
A Calvinist Endorsement of the Society of Evangelical Arminians Outreach Discussion Group
A Calvinist recently posted these comments in our outreach Facebook discussion group: I’m a Calvinist and I want to say thank you to this group. While my entire upbringing and education has been hard…
The Folly of Doing Theology in an Echo Chamber: A Thorough Examination of Piper’s “Two-Wills” View (Part 6)
[StriderMTB’s lengthy article, “The Folly of Doing Theology in an Echo Chamber: A Thorough Examination of Piper’s ‘Two-Wills’ View,” has been divided into 30 parts and edited for serial publication on this website. Here is…
Friday Files, 4 October 2019
It’s the St. Francis of Assisi’s Day edition of the Friday Files, where we take a break from trying to find new content and show off a bunch of our previous content. It’s all good…
Responding To Free Will Critics
My article “5 Arguments For The Existence Of Free Will” became very popular. Tim Stratton liked it so much that he featured it as a guest post on his blog FreeThinkingMinistires.com, Martin Glynn specifically asked me…
Misrepresentation of Arminius’ Teachings Making the Rounds Again: Pierre du Moulin From the Grave
Arminius spent his later life refuting what people said about him and his teachings, Some of his interlocutors were responsible and represented his views accurately, others seemingly intentionally distorted what he taught. An apparent…
The Folly of Doing Theology in an Echo Chamber: A Thorough Examination of Piper’s “Two-Wills” View (Part 5)
[StriderMTB’s lengthy article, “The Folly of Doing Theology in an Echo Chamber: A Thorough Examination of Piper’s ‘Two-Wills’ View,” has been divided into 30 parts and edited for serial publication on this website. Here is…
Friday Files, 27 September 2019
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Never Really Saved to Begin With? Part 2
Calvinists, who deny that salvation can ever be lost, reason on the subject in a marvelous way. They tell us that no virgin’s lamp can go out; no promising harvest be choked with thorns; no branch in Christ can ever be…
When Does a Person Lose Salvation?
On his website, Arminian Perspectives, Ben Henshaw has a questions page at which he answers questions about Arminianism and Calvinism that visitors to his site pose in the comment section of the page. The following is a question…
The Folly of Doing Theology in an Echo Chamber: A Thorough Examination of Piper’s “Two-Wills” View (Part 4)
[StriderMTB’s lengthy article, “The Folly of Doing Theology in an Echo Chamber: A Thorough Examination of Piper’s ‘Two-Wills’ View,” has been divided into 30 parts and edited for serial publication on this website. Here is…
Friday Files, 20 September 2019
It’s the St. Fausta of Cyzicus’s Day edition of the Friday Files, our sixth-day look back at SEA posts and links of years ago. Sometimes they reflect SEA’s views; sometimes not. Sometimes members’ names are…
FWS Podcast: Ten Types of Biblical Literature (Part 2)
If you cannot see the player above follow this link: Biblical Literature (Part 2) In this episode Dr. Vic Reasoner concludes his teaching on the ten types of biblical literature.
Roy Ingle, “Calvinism, Arminianism, & Exegesis”
How is it that both Calvinist and Arminians can read from the same Bible and yet come to different conclusions? How is that premillenialist and amillenialist can come to the book of Revelation and yet…
Ben Henshaw, “Does Arminian Theology Suggest That We Depend on Ourselves Instead of Christ for Salvation?”
From the late R.C. Sproul’s Ligonier Ministries we find a short article “praising” limited atonement by Richard Phillips. For the purpose of this post we will be focusing in on a section that promotes a…