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Friday Files

Friday Files, 2 August 2019

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It’s the St. Eusebius of Vercelli’s Day edition of the Friday Files, SEA’s weekly dig through our archives. The views expressed in these articles and links aren’t always Arminian, and therefore aren’t always those of…

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1. The decrees of God are the extrinsic acts of God, though they are internal, and, therefore, made by the free will of God, without any absolute necessity. Yet one decree seems to require the…

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Friday Files, 26 July 2019

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Happy Jesus’s Grandparents Day. Tradition has it Mary’s parents were named Joachim and Anne, though of course we’ve no idea; and what they did to merit a saint’s day we also have no idea. But…

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Arminius on Apostasy

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In reading two new books, Arminius on the Assurance of Salvation by Keith Stanglin and Jacob Arminius: Theologian of Grace by Keith Stanglin and Tom McCall, I found the follow- ing interesting facts. It is…

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Friday Files, 19 July 2019

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Happy Sts. Justa and Rufina Day… and now the Friday Files, your ordinarily-weekly look back at what SEA has posted and linked to. Not all of them were written by Arminians; not all their views…

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Friday Files, 12 July 2019

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Yep, it’s the St. Veronica’s Day edition of the Friday Files. Sorry about skipping St. Illidius’s Day last week; technical difficulties. (Meaning I’m technically inept at WordPress. I’m more of a Blogger guy. But hey,…

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