What is “REO?” The reader may want to know. Perhaps Gowdy should not abbreviate? I do not know what REO is. “(God) wills that they, who believe and persevere in faith, shall be saved,…

What is “REO?” The reader may want to know. Perhaps Gowdy should not abbreviate? I do not know what REO is. “(God) wills that they, who believe and persevere in faith, shall be saved,…
[StriderMTB’s lengthy article, “The Folly of Doing Theology in an Echo Chamber: A Thorough Examination of Piper’s ‘Two-Wills’ View,” has been divided into 30 parts and edited for serial publication on this website. Here is…
It’s the St. Felix of Hadrumentum Day edition of the Friday Files, SEA’s weekly visit to our archives. Because not everybody goes rooting around in there for fun, and there’s a lot worth rereading! Articles…
The following is a conversation that recently took place in my daughter’s middle school church group. The conversation does a good job highlighting three mistakes that we often make when we talk about the sovereignty…
The Bible teaches that all people are called to repent and believe the gospel (Mark 1:1; Acts 16:30-31), while also acknowledging that we are dead in sin and cannot come to God of our own…
[StriderMTB’s lengthy article, “The Folly of Doing Theology in an Echo Chamber: A Thorough Examination of Piper’s ‘Two-Wills’ View,” has been divided into 30 parts and edited for serial publication on this website. Here is…
It’s the St. Valentine’s Day edition of the Friday Files, our weekly review (well, weekly when I’ve not unintentionally skipped a week) of the SEA archives. Articles and links won’t always reflect the views of…
If you cannot see the player above follow these links: Apple Podcasts or Stitcher This episode is the first half of a lecture by Dr. Chris Bounds about the Apostles Creed.
Calvinism and John Six: An Exegetical Response Part Two Steve Witzki So if John 6 does not teach unconditional election nor irresistible grace, doesn’t it still teach unconditional eternal security? Schreiner and Caneday think so…
Calvinism and John Six: An Exegetical Response Part One Steve Witzki Calvinist’s believe that one of their strongest arguments for unconditional election, irresistible grace, and unconditional security is found in the Gospel of John…
[StriderMTB’s lengthy article, “The Folly of Doing Theology in an Echo Chamber: A Thorough Examination of Piper’s ‘Two-Wills’ View,” has been divided into 30 parts and edited for serial publication on this website. Here is…
If you cannot see the player above follow these links: Apple Podcasts or Stitcher In this lecture Douglas Crossman concludes his discussion on the effects of revival. This is also the conclusion of the “History…
A Free Will Baptist Catechism By Paul V. Harrison The most common word translated “teach” in the New Testament is the Greek term didasko, from which we derive the word didactic. Another Greek word rendered…
Please click on the link to view David Allen, “Romans 8:31–34 Again . . . Responding to James White, Part 3.”
[StriderMTB’s lengthy article, “The Folly of Doing Theology in an Echo Chamber: A Thorough Examination of Piper’s ‘Two-Wills’ View,” has been divided into 30 parts and edited for serial publication on this website. Here is…
It’s the St. Máedóc’s Day edition of the Friday Files, our weekly look back at previous weeks in the SEA archives. Articles and links won’t always reflect the views of SEA, and our members’ names…
Let’s look at a specific example: Philippians 2:12-13 “Work out your own salvation…for God is at work in you….” Some (e.g., D. M. Baillie) have labeled this the “paradox of grace.” I have used that…
Please click on the link to view David Allen, “Romans 8:31–34 Again . . . Responding to James White, Part 2.”
It’s the St. Bablyas of Antioch’s Day edition of the Friday Files, our weekly “this week in SEA history” feature. Articles and links don’t always reflect the views of SEA, and our members’ names are…
Please click on the link to view David Allen, “Romans 8:31–34 Again . . . Responding to James White.”