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Friday Files, 12 July 2019

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Yep, it’s the St. Veronica’s Day edition of the Friday Files. Sorry about skipping St. Illidius’s Day last week; technical difficulties. (Meaning I’m technically inept at WordPress. I’m more of a Blogger guy. But hey,…

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X-Calvinist Corner Files: Testimony # 11

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The X-Calvinist Corner is a page on this website that shares the stories of people who were once Calvinist but have left Calvinism for a more Arminian theology. This series (The X-Calvinist Corner Files) highlights one…

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Friday Files, 28 June 2019

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It’s the St. Irenaeus’s Day edition of the Friday Files, your weekly substitute for a new SEA article: Read a bunch of the old ones instead! They’re still good. The views expressed therein aren’t always…

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Friday Files, 21 June 2019

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It’s the summer or winter solstice, depending on where you live on the planet. Also the St. Alban of Mainz’s Day edition of the Friday Files, your weekly reading list of old SEA posts and…

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