Calvinism Is Impossible Obviously by “impossible” I don’t mean it doesn’t exist. Here I am using the word “impossible” in a very unusual sense, but one I borrow from Calvinist theologian Charles Hodge (1797-1878).…
Recent Posts
Roger Olson, “Calvinism is Impossible”
Resurrection Day!!
Friday Files, 10 April 2020
It’s the Sts. James, Azadanus, and Abdicius Day edition of the Friday Files, our weekly dig through SEA’s archives to see what we used to be up to… which looks a lot like what we’re…
FWS Podcast: Wesley Sermon Series
These four episodes are recordings of Douglas Crossman reading some of John Wesley’s most well known sermons. “Justification By Faith” on Apple Podcasts and Stitcher “Free Grace” on Apple Podcasts and Stitcher “The Lord Our…
James Arminius on Acts 2:23 & Acts 4:28
“This Jesus, delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men.” Acts 2:23 ESV “For truly in this city there were gathered together…
Arminian Essentials: Prevenient Grace
Calvinists sometimes argue that prevenient grace is not grounded in scripture. In this video, Dr. Matt O’Reilly explains how prevenient grace is clearly seen in two 1 Thessalonians 1:4-5 and Acts 2:37-38. Matt O’Reilly (PhD,…
Ben Keiser, “Lessons from Rhett’s Spiritual Deconstruction”
The YouTube comedy duo Rhett and Link are well-known for eating bizarre foods, making wacky music videos, and more recently, walking away from the Christian faith. Just over a month ago in two hour+ podcast…
Friday Files, 3 April 2020
It’s the St. Nicetas the Confessor Day edition of the Friday Files, SEA’s look back at our previous years. (Yep, I’m still posting them. Nope, haven’t succumbed to the ’rona; I just gotta stop using…
The Folly of Doing Theology in an Echo Chamber: A Thorough Examination of Piper’s “Two-Wills” View (Part 30, Appendix)
[StriderMTB’s lengthy article, “The Folly of Doing Theology in an Echo Chamber: A Thorough Examination of Piper’s ‘Two-Wills’ View,” has been divided into 30 parts and edited for serial publication on this website. Here is…
SEA Member Matt O’Reilly publishes book on Paul and the Resurrected Body
SEA member Dr. Matt O’Reilly has recently published a new book titled Paul and the Resurrected Body: Social Identity and Ethical Practice (SBL Press). Praise for Paul and the Resurrected Body: In this work, Matt O’Reilly offers a…
Common Grace and Prevenient Grace: What’s the Difference?
Many people think “common grace” and “prevenient grace” are two ways of talking about the same idea. In this video, SEA member Matt O’Reilly explains the crucial difference between the two and why the Arminian…
The Folly of Doing Theology in an Echo Chamber: A Thorough Examination of Piper’s “Two-Wills” View (Part 29)
[StriderMTB’s lengthy article, “The Folly of Doing Theology in an Echo Chamber: A Thorough Examination of Piper’s ‘Two-Wills’ View,” has been divided into 30 parts and edited for serial publication on this website. Here is…
Friday Files, 20 March 2020
It’s the St. Alexandra of Rome Day edition of the Friday Files, SEA’s look back at our previous years. It’s good stuff to read if you’re sitting at home, staying away from viruses… or riding…
FWS Podcast: The Gift of Faith
If you cannot see the player above follow one of these links: Apple Podcasts or Stitcher This is a sermon by Dr. Vic Reasoner titled, “The Gift of Faith.”
The God Who Seeks
“Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as He was walking in the garden in the cool of the day. . .” (Genesis 3:8, NIV) “I revealed myself…
SEA Member Matt O’Reilly Publishes Book on The Letters to the Thessalonians
SEA member Matt O’Reilly has a new new book titled The Letters to the Thessalonians. It’s part of the OneBook: Daily-Weekly series from Seedbed Publishing. This short volume is designed for small-group studies and is…
The Folly of Doing Theology in an Echo Chamber: A Thorough Examination of Piper’s “Two-Wills” View (Part 28)
[StriderMTB’s lengthy article, “The Folly of Doing Theology in an Echo Chamber: A Thorough Examination of Piper’s ‘Two-Wills’ View,” has been divided into 30 parts and edited for serial publication on this website. Here is…
Justin Taylor, “A Guide for Christian Leaders in the Time of Coronavirus”
Please click on the link to view Justin Taylor, “A Guide for Christian Leaders in the Time of Coronavirus.” It is basically a summary of a longer, more detailed document by Andy Crouch.
Friday Files, 13 March 2020
It’s the coronaviral pandemic edition… I mean the St. James Theodore Holly Day edition of the Friday Files. (Ditch that spirit of fear. Didn’t come from God.) So if you’ve nothing to do because everything’s…
FWS Podcast: Saving Faith
If you cannot see the player above follow one of these links: Apple Podcasts or Stitcher This is a sermon by Dr. Vic Reasoner titled, “Saving Faith.” It is both theological and practical.