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Friday Files

Friday Files, 20 March 2020

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It’s the St. Alexandra of Rome Day edition of the Friday Files, SEA’s look back at our previous years. It’s good stuff to read if you’re sitting at home, staying away from viruses… or riding…

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The God Who Seeks

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“Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as He was walking in the garden in the cool of the day. . .” (Genesis 3:8, NIV) ​ “I revealed myself…

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Friday Files 3/20

Friday Files, 13 March 2020

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It’s the coronaviral pandemic edition… I mean the St. James Theodore Holly Day edition of the Friday Files. (Ditch that spirit of fear. Didn’t come from God.) So if you’ve nothing to do because everything’s…

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FWS Podcast: Saving Faith

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If you cannot see the player above follow one of these links: Apple Podcasts or Stitcher This is a sermon by Dr. Vic Reasoner titled, “Saving Faith.” It is both theological and practical.  

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Friday Files, 6 March 2020

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It’s the St. Marcian of Tortona Day edition of the Friday Files, your weekly trip through previous years of SEA’s articles and links. The views expressed in them are often that of SEA, but not…

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Friday Files, 28 February 2020

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It’s the St. Abercius Day edition of the Friday Files, your weekly visit to SEA’s archives… unless you gave up the internet for Lent, in which case I guess you’re visiting this on Sunday, unless…

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