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Friday Files, 6 March 2020

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It’s the St. Marcian of Tortona Day edition of the Friday Files, your weekly trip through previous years of SEA’s articles and links. The views expressed in them are often that of SEA, but not…

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Friday Files, 28 February 2020

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It’s the St. Abercius Day edition of the Friday Files, your weekly visit to SEA’s archives… unless you gave up the internet for Lent, in which case I guess you’re visiting this on Sunday, unless…

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Friday Files, 21 February 2020

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It’s the St. Felix of Hadrumentum Day edition of the Friday Files, SEA’s weekly visit to our archives. Because not everybody goes rooting around in there for fun, and there’s a lot worth rereading! Articles…

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God’s Sovereignty: Three Common Mistakes

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The following is a conversation that recently took place in my daughter’s middle school church group. The conversation does a good job highlighting three mistakes that we often make when we talk about the sovereignty…

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Friday Files, 14 February 2020

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It’s the St. Valentine’s Day edition of the Friday Files, our weekly review (well, weekly when I’ve not unintentionally skipped a week) of the SEA archives. Articles and links won’t always reflect the views of…

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