There is a certain amount of pride in theology, in terms of a personal interest in getting things correct. Sometimes, this has resulted in a phenomena whereby new converts to Calvinism become aggressive toward non-Calvinist…
Recent Posts
Richard Coords, “Cage Stage”
John Wesley, “On The Sabbath”
The Bicentennial Edition of the Works of John Wesley, in the process of being published by Abingdon Press, contains 13 sermons not found in the 14 volume Thomas Jackson edition. This sermon was written in…
FWS Podcast: Doctrinal Dialogues (Parts 1-2)
Part 1. Part 2. If you cannot see the player above follow this link: Apple Podcasts or this link: Stitcher In these Doctrinal Dialogues, members of the Fundamental Wesleyan Society have a roundtable discussion about…
Vic Reasoner, “Plugging the Holes”
A review of my book The Hole in the Holiness Movement appeared in the January/February, 1993 Convention Herald. I have been asked to respond. I must begin by noting that the author, Edsel Trouten, called…
John Fletcher, “The New Birth”
[The following is a sermon from The Works of the Reverend John Fletcher, 4 vols. (1833; rpt. Salem, OH: Schmul Publishers, 1974), 4:95-117. The sermon is in four parts and due to the length only…
Elmer Long, “Pentecost”
In order to answer some charges that are leveled against us concerning the disciples and Pentecost, we herein give a brief account of our position, one we believe to be true to the Bible. It…
Joseph D. McPherson, “What Manner of Man Is He, Described in the Seventh of Romans”
What manner of man is he who, while describing his spiritual state, says, “I am carnal, sold under sin”? Can he be classified as one who is born again? “For, that which I do,” says…
Robert L. Brush, “The Antithesis Of Law Is Not Grace, But Lawlessness”
“He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination” (Proverbs 28:9). If there is one thing that characterizes the Christianity of this age, it is lawlessness. It seems…
Ronald Sloan, “Urgently Needed: Book of Hebrews Project!”
Urgently Needed: Book of Hebrews Project! Bart Ehrman had a born-again experience in high school through Youth for Christ. Driven to learn more about the Bible, he earned a diploma at the Moody Bible…
Johnathan Arnold, “All Men Can Be Saved: Penal Substitution and Wesleyan-Arminian Theology”
An appeal for men to be saved is near to the heart of Wesleyan Methodism. W.B. Fitzgerald summarized Methodism with for “alls”: All need to be saved. All can be saved. All can know they…
The Complete List of Dr David Allen’s Chapter-by-Chapter Review of From Heaven He Came and Sought Her
Below is the Complete List of links to Dr David Allen’s Chapter-by-Chapter Review of From Heaven He Came and Sought Her (2013), a book which has been touted by some as the “definitive” scholarly word…
Joseph D. McPherson, “What Meaneth The Outcry Against Legalism”
“Legal,” “legalist,” and “legalism” are terms that are in nowise new. They have been used in religious circles and religious writings for centuries past, but never more so than today. In fact, so common is…
James Arminius, “The Delay of Repentance is Marvelously Dangerous”
From The Works of Arminius, Volume 1: The contrary to repentance is impenitence, and a pertinacious perseverance in sinning: of which there are two degrees, one the delay of [repentance], the other final impenitence unto…
Richard Coords, “Born Again”
This is one of the most famous terms in all of the Bible. Preachers often echo this divine imperative during evangelism: “Unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God. You must…
Friday Files: The Character of God
The heart of the Arminian critique of Calvinism is of course the character to God. While we also put tremendous emphasis on God’s sovereignty, it is His character that determines what it is He ordains.…
James Arminius on Original Sin: A Few Quotes
Did Arminius affirm “original sin?” What effect did Arminius think Adam’s sin had on later humankind? Here are a few excerpts from The Works of James Arminius: In Volume 2, Disputation 31 “On the Effects…
Michael Brown, “How Should We Respond to the Ravi Zacharias Scandal?”
In the aftermath of the shocking and tragic news about Ravi Zacharias’s private life, one of our ministry school grads, herself a longtime missionary with her husband, wrote to me, asking, “Would you consider writing…
Brian Abasciano, “If God Loves All, How Can the Bible Say That He Hates Sinners?”
If God loves all, how can the Bible say that he hates sinners? I believe that the basic answer is that God both loves and hates sinners, but he loves them more than he hates…
Friday Files: Possibility of Apostasy
On Friday, we like to review a lot of the material we have in our archives. Our goal has always been providing resources for people to use defending the Biblical teaching of salvation. The issue…
FWS Podcast: Prophecy (Parts 4-9)
In this series of podcasts Dr. Vic Reasoner answers the question, “What in the world is God going to do?” In this series Dr. Reasoner will be focusing on major prophetic sections of the Scriptures…