The grace of God that comes to a person before the new birth to awaken and arrest him to unseen realities and causes him to see his sinfulness and helpless estate is sometimes call prevenient…
Recent Posts
E. Norman Brush, “Prevenient Grace In The Book Of Acts”
Vic Reasoner, “Reformation and Revival”
We may pray until we are blue in the face that God will bless our activities and put his approval on our machinery, but God cannot bless what is out of conformity to His Word.…
Elmer Long, “How To Keep Filled”
Our Scripture lesson is found in Ephesians 5. I am reading only one sentence, but it goes through four verses. Beginning with 5:18, “And be ye not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be…
Richard Coords, “Causation”
Causation (first and second causes) If your question to Calvinists includes, “Did God decree (insert real situation)”, then the answer is “Yes,” but which Calvinists wish for you to consider from the perspective of First…
FWS Podcast: Doctrinal Dialogues (Parts 5-6)
If you cannot see the players above follow this link: Apple Podcasts or this link: Stitcher In these Doctrinal Dialogues, members of the Fundamental Wesleyan Society have a roundtable discussion about various sermons by John…
L. W. Ruth Jr., “The Everlasting Kingdom”
“Wherefore, we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear” (Hebrews 12:28). The writer here has given us a comparison of…
C. Marion Brown, “The Possibility Of Becoming Stalemated And The Dangers Attached”
In trying to address this subject, I realize that not everyone will agree with the basic premise that there is such a state as an awakened man. I shall not try to defend this position,…
Richard Coords, “Calvinism”
The term “Calvinism” is based upon the systematic soteriology of a man named John Calvin. (1509-1564) Ironically, though, he attributes his theology from another man named Augustine. (354-430) John Calvin: “Further, Augustine is so much…
Friday Files: Agent Causation
One of the mistakes that many make is the belief that the Calvinism/Arminianism debate is about free will vs determinism. In reality, the two positions are soteriologies, and the debate is really about the process…
FWS Podcast: Doctrinal Dialogues (Parts 3-4)
If you cannot see the players above follow this link: Apple Podcasts or this link: Stitcher In these Doctrinal Dialogues, members of the Fundamental Wesleyan Society have a roundtable discussion about various sermons by John…
Robert L. Brush, “Evangelical Faith”
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). The doctrine of salvation by grace through faith is the most important of all New Testament teachings. It…
Robert L. Brush, “Bondage and Adoption”
“The Spirit himself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God” (Romans 8:16). That the Old Testament saints were justified by faith is clearly stated in Hebrews 11. While the faith…
Richard Coords, “Calling”
The Bible refers to “the called of Jesus Christ” (Romans 1:6) and “the chosen of God” (Titus 1:1), perhaps to emphasize that, as Christians, we each have a divine purpose, relative to our unique gift…
Catherine Booth, “The Faith That Saves”
One of the most abused texts in the Bible, and one which perhaps has been made to do as much work for the devil as for God, is that which occurs in the story of…
E. Norman Brush, “The Indwelling Of The Holy Spirit”
The current idea abroad in many circles that the believer doesn’t have the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit has led many to profess to be real Christians without His presence and to seek Him…
James Leonard, “Election in 1 Thessalonians: Assurance for Persecuted Believers”
Praise the Lord for his election! (1 Thes 1:4) Paul’s preaching ministry in Thessalonica was cut short due to intense persecution. Indeed, when Paul fled Thessalonica, the new believers became the object of persecution. As…
Richard Coords, “Cage Stage”
There is a certain amount of pride in theology, in terms of a personal interest in getting things correct. Sometimes, this has resulted in a phenomena whereby new converts to Calvinism become aggressive toward non-Calvinist…
John Wesley, “On The Sabbath”
The Bicentennial Edition of the Works of John Wesley, in the process of being published by Abingdon Press, contains 13 sermons not found in the 14 volume Thomas Jackson edition. This sermon was written in…
FWS Podcast: Doctrinal Dialogues (Parts 1-2)
Part 1. Part 2. If you cannot see the player above follow this link: Apple Podcasts or this link: Stitcher In these Doctrinal Dialogues, members of the Fundamental Wesleyan Society have a roundtable discussion about…
Vic Reasoner, “Plugging the Holes”
A review of my book The Hole in the Holiness Movement appeared in the January/February, 1993 Convention Herald. I have been asked to respond. I must begin by noting that the author, Edsel Trouten, called…