Jesus’ words to Nicodemus found in John 3:5 are not only startling, but strongly enforced. Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter…

Jesus’ words to Nicodemus found in John 3:5 are not only startling, but strongly enforced. Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter…
This question is asked by one of our Society of Evangelical Arminian (SEA) members: Can anyone recommend an Arminian interpretation of Job 13:15, ‘Though he slay me, I will hope in him’? Is it purely…
If you cannot see the players above follow this link: Apple Podcasts or this link: Stitcher In this series of episodes, Dr. Vic Reasoner will be sharing lessons from the life of Job. This is…
This paper seeks to provide a fairly balanced and comprehensive discussion on Wesley’s concept of prevenient grace within the context of Wesleyan soteriology, taking into consideration the issues of human depravity, human freedom, and divine…
This is the conclusion of an article begun in the last issue. It is an adaptation Tom Kiser made of John Wesley’s description of Christian perfection. By this fruit you will recognize him: he loves…
Who are the “elect”? That is a frequently asked theological question. The answer is that it is a biblical term for those chosen by God for various reasons. Sometimes it is for service (1st Peter…
Listed below are some Arminian sermons that we have collected over the years. Theologians are important of course, but the pulpit is the source of teaching that is part of worship, and deserves attention. Exegetical…
If you cannot see the players above follow this link: Apple Podcasts or this link: Stitcher In this series of episodes, Dr. Vic Reasoner will be sharing lessons from the life of Job. These are…
Here is an excellent paper exploring how John Wesley interpreted scripture. In his Preface to the Standard Sermons Wesley describes his approach to the reading of Scripture. As a model of his experiential approach it…
H. Ray Dunning is the professor of theology at Trevecca Nazarene College in Nashville. He was commissioned to produce a systematic theology in the Wesleyan tradition that is true to the doctrinal standards of the…
COGNITIVE DISSONANCE Cognitive dissonance occurs among Calvinists when they try to distance themselves from the inevitable conclusions drawn by the logical implications of their own systematic. One example is that Calvinists insist that God ordains…
If you cannot see the players above follow this link: Apple Podcasts or this link: Stitcher In this series of episodes, Dr. Vic Reasoner will be sharing lessons from the life of Job. This is…
It would be altogether unwise for one to discount the testimonies of any who claim to have received help at an altar of prayer, especially if they give evidence of having been transformed in heart…
Few will dispute the fact that there is something seriously wrong with the methods employed by popular holiness evangelists and workers at the altar services. Popular evangelists have those who desire to be saved sign…
The term “Doctrines of Grace” is a title Calvinists often use to identify their distinctive doctrines under the acronym for TULIP, such as signifying their belief in Elective Grace, Atoning Grace, Irresistible Grace and Persevering…
If you cannot see the players above follow this link: Apple Podcasts or this link: Stitcher In these episodes members of the Fundamental Wesleyan Society discuss the Wesleyan Quadrilateral.
In the Spring of 1994 Dr. Keith Drury preached a courageous and widely reported sermon to the Christian Holiness Association called “The Holiness Movement is Dead.” Briefly summarized, his reasons for the decline of the…
The Christian counseling movement often uses the phrase “unconditional love.” They say that God’s love is unconditional. What exactly is meant by this phrase? God warned in Genesis 6:3 that His Spirit will not strive…
History is an important part of theology. It is easy sometimes to think that we have been given the Scripture, and little has happened between then and now. However, the Spirit has not been inactive.…
Editorial Note: John Wesley was impressed by the sketch of a “Perfect Christian” written by Clement of Alexandria about 200 A. D. In 1742 Wesley wrote such a sketch himself, called “The Character of a…