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John Wesley, “On The Sabbath”

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The Bicentennial Edition of the Works of John Wesley, in the process of being published by Abingdon Press, contains 13 sermons not found in the 14 volume Thomas Jackson edition. This sermon was written in…

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John Fletcher, “The New Birth”

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[The following is a sermon from The Works of the Reverend John Fletcher, 4 vols. (1833; rpt. Salem, OH: Schmul Publishers, 1974), 4:95-117. The sermon is in four parts and due to the length only…

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Elmer Long, “Pentecost”

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In order to answer some charges that are leveled against us concerning the disciples and Pentecost, we herein give a brief account of our position, one we believe to be true to the Bible. It…

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Richard Coords, “Born Again”

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This is one of the most famous terms in all of the Bible. Preachers often echo this divine imperative during evangelism: “Unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God. You must…

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Friday Files 11/20

Friday Files: The Character of God

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The heart of the Arminian critique of Calvinism is of course the character to God. While we also put tremendous emphasis on God’s sovereignty, it is His character that determines what it is He ordains.…

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James Arminius on Original Sin: A Few Quotes

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Did Arminius affirm “original sin?” What effect did Arminius think Adam’s sin had on later humankind? Here are a few excerpts from The Works of James Arminius: In Volume 2, Disputation 31 “On the Effects…

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FWS Podcast: Prophecy (Parts 4-9)

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In this series of podcasts Dr. Vic Reasoner answers the question, “What in the world is God going to do?” In this series Dr. Reasoner will be focusing on major prophetic sections of the Scriptures…

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Robert L. Brush, “Prevenient Grace”

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Definition The moving of the Holy Spirit upon the heart before the new birth. The importance of understanding the doctrine This doctrine of the holy Scriptures is a very comforting and encouraging truth when properly…

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