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The Wedding of Arminianism and Anglicanism

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Anglicanism’s theological roots (those of the established Church of England) were grounded in Roman Catholic ideology in its initial stage. Roman Catholic site New Advent states: “Before the breach with Rome under Henry VIII there…

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Jacob Arminius’ Reformed Views on Justification

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Given Arminius’ Reformed context, he argues for the Reformed teaching of Justification by Faith alone, or sola fide. Mark Jones, writing for Reformation21, quotes Herman Witsius to the effect, “Arminius, by his subtlety, frames vain…

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Compatibilism vs. Free Will

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God’s relationship with not only His universe but also the creatures whom He created in His own image has been debated, fashioned, and refashioned throughout the history of the Church. From what one may gather,…

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Is There More to Arminianism Than Its Five Points?

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John Bugay of Triablogue posted a comment from Stephen Wolfe’s Facebook page that suggests Roman Catholicism should be the Calvinist’s greatest focus and opponent, not Arminianism; that the latter should be reduced merely to its…

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God, Pharaoh, and God’s Sovereignty in Romans 9

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In Udo Middelmann’s The Innocence of God, he grants us biblical evidence advocating the truth that God is innocent of the tragedies and evil experienced by and among fallen human beings. God has neither decreed…

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This Week in Arminianism

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Dale Wayman, of IRONSTRIKES, highlights: “Being Spiritual But Not Obnoxious,” “The Invisible Man and His Shadow,” and “God Welcome But Not Necessary.” Brendan Burnett, of The Lord’s Disciple, posts: “A.W. Tozer on Divine Sovereignty and…

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A Calvinistic Baptist Enlightened by Jacob Arminius

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A Latin expression known as ad fontes translates, literally, “to the fountains,” interpreted as “to the sources,” a command to read primary sources. Dr. Mark A. Ellis, a Calvinist pastor of a Calvinistic Baptist church,…

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