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Vic Reasoner, “The Spirit of Tolerance”

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As leaders within the conservative holiness movement pronounce divine judgment upon each other over secondary issues, the younger generation continues to leave the movement disillusioned. If we have a future we must learn to speak…

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Richard Coords, “Compatibilism”

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Compatibilism is a Calvinist doctrine which attempts to harmonize divine determinism and human free-will. Calvinists often use this term to claim that they, too, believe in free-will, that is, “compatibilistic free-will.” Unfortunately, though, it is…

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Friday Files 11/20

Friday Files: Romans 9

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One of the more things about the Arminianism/Calvinism debate is how both sides are devoted to the Scriptures and both sides ground their understanding of their theology in the Scriptures. Which means that any proof-text…

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Andrew Wilson, “Seven Point Armalvinism”

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Please click on the link to read Andrew Wilson, “Seven Point Armalvinism”, a discussion of the Five Articles of Remonstrance from someone who considers himself “as more Calvinist than Arminian”, available online at the author’s…

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Friday Files 11/20

Friday Files: Arminius

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Born Yacob Harmen, Jacob or James Arminius was the great champion of Semi-Augustinianism in early Protestantism. His articulation of Biblical soteriology was so powerful that Protestant Semi-Augustinianism bears his name: Arminianism. We follow the doctrines…

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C. Marion Brown, “Restitution”

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While scanning both book lists and library shelves, I was rather startled at the absence of material on restitution. Many volumes have been written on various subjects and many have been “beaten to death” by…

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Richard Coords, “Causation”

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Causation (first and second causes) If your question to Calvinists includes, “Did God decree (insert real situation)”, then the answer is “Yes,” but which Calvinists wish for you to consider from the perspective of First…

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Richard Coords, “Calvinism”

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The term “Calvinism” is based upon the systematic soteriology of a man named John Calvin. (1509-1564) Ironically, though, he attributes his theology from another man named Augustine. (354-430) John Calvin: “Further, Augustine is so much…

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Friday Files 11/20

Friday Files: Agent Causation

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One of the mistakes that many make is the belief that the Calvinism/Arminianism debate is about free will vs determinism. In reality, the two positions are soteriologies, and the debate is really about the process…

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