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Richard Coords, “Determinism”

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It is common for Calvinists to accuse non-Calvinists of misrepresenting Calvinism whenever we speak of it as “too deterministic.” For instance, Calvinistic apologist Matt Slick, stated in an online debate with Leighton Flowers that he…

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Vic Reasoner, “Gliding With Grider”

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The most recent attempt to state the Wesleyan interpretation of theology is found in Kenneth Grider’s A Wesleyan-Holiness Theology (Kansas City: Beacon Hill, 1994). Among Grider’s positive contributions: 1. He interprets “the old man” as…

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Richard Coords, “Decree”

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What has God decreed? Does God decree many things, or has God decreed absolutely everything that comes to pass, as per Calvinism? The belief that God has decreed whatsoever comes to pass is what is…

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Richards Coords, “Deadness”

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One of the most influential concepts of Calvinism is spiritual deadness.97 Whereas non-Calvinists speak of humanity as being lost and in need of a Savior, Calvinists speak of humanity as being dead and in need…

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Vic Reasoner, “The Spirit of Tolerance”

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As leaders within the conservative holiness movement pronounce divine judgment upon each other over secondary issues, the younger generation continues to leave the movement disillusioned. If we have a future we must learn to speak…

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Richard Coords, “Compatibilism”

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Compatibilism is a Calvinist doctrine which attempts to harmonize divine determinism and human free-will. Calvinists often use this term to claim that they, too, believe in free-will, that is, “compatibilistic free-will.” Unfortunately, though, it is…

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Friday Files 11/20

Friday Files: Romans 9

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One of the more things about the Arminianism/Calvinism debate is how both sides are devoted to the Scriptures and both sides ground their understanding of their theology in the Scriptures. Which means that any proof-text…

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Andrew Wilson, “Seven Point Armalvinism”

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Please click on the link to read Andrew Wilson, “Seven Point Armalvinism”, a discussion of the Five Articles of Remonstrance from someone who considers himself “as more Calvinist than Arminian”, available online at the author’s…

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Friday Files 11/20

Friday Files: Arminius

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Born Yacob Harmen, Jacob or James Arminius was the great champion of Semi-Augustinianism in early Protestantism. His articulation of Biblical soteriology was so powerful that Protestant Semi-Augustinianism bears his name: Arminianism. We follow the doctrines…

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