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FWS Podcast: Revelation (Part 8)

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If you cannot see the players above follow this link: Apple Podcasts or this link: Stitcher In this series of podcasts Dr. Vic Reasoner teaches through the Book of Revelation. This is the eighth episode…

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X-Calvinist Corner Files: Testimony # 31

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The X-Calvinist Corner is a page on this website that shares the stories of people who were once Calvinist but have left Calvinism for a more Arminian theology. This series (The X-Calvinist Corner Files) highlights one of…

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Richard Coords, “Favoritism”

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At Acts 10:34-35, the apostle Peter treated divine impartiality as a virtue, implying that it is something good and noble about God, perhaps which we should all emulate in our own interactions with our neighbors:…

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Roy Ingle, “Misunderstanding Arminius”

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Many people misunderstand the teachings of James Arminius and fail to draw distinctions between his teachings and those of other later influential people such as Charles Finney. Finney is often called Arminian but his teachings,…

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Friday Files: Monergism

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Calvinists often love the terms ‘monergism’ and ‘synergism’. The usefulness of these terms is dubious, and the use of the term ‘monergism’ as some test for orthodoxy can be question begging, but they have become…

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FWS Podcast: Revelation (Part 7)

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If you cannot see the players above follow this link: Apple Podcasts or this link: Stitcher In this series of podcasts Dr. Vic Reasoner teaches through the Book of Revelation. This is the seventh episode…

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Richard Coords, “Faith”

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Faith is common to man, which Calvinists readily acknowledge, though while offering the caveat of a distinction between what they define as human “natural faith” vs. divine “saving faith.” For the Calvinist, “natural faith” never…

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FWS Podcast: Revelation (Part 6)

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If you cannot see the players above follow this link: Apple Podcasts or this link: Stitcher In this series of podcasts Dr. Vic Reasoner teaches through the Book of Revelation. This is the sixth episode…

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Does John 6:37 Support Calvinism?

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On his website, Arminian Perspectives, Ben Henshaw has a questions page at which he answers questions about Arminianism and Calvinism that visitors to his site pose in the comment section of the page. Here is a question…

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Richard Coords, “Failure”

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Frequently, Calvinists contend that if God really wanted for someone to be saved but who ultimately died in unbelief and perished, then God would have proven to be a failure, and therefore only an effectual…

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Friday Files 11/20

Friday Files: Depravity

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It is a common strawman to say that Arminians do not believe in Total Depravity. It has been refuted so thoroughly and is in such contradiction to all Arminian literature, that it is amazing that…

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FWS Podcast: Revelation (Part 5)

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If you cannot see the players above follow this link: Apple Podcasts or this link: Stitcher In this series of podcasts Dr. Vic Reasoner teaches through the Book of Revelation. This is the fifth episode…

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Richards Coords, “Evangelism”

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There certainly are Calvinists who are evangelists, but one issue worth discussing is how the theology of Calvinism impacts evangelism. Some are turned off from Calvinism because of how it is perceived that it would…

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Friday Files!

Friday Files: The Synod of Dort

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The Synod of Dort was a national council held in what is now Dordrecht, Netherlands in 1618-1619. It is considered by many Calvinists to be a historically authoritative council on a similar level as Nicaea…

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FWS Podcast: Revelation (Part 4)

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If you cannot see the players above follow this link: Apple Podcasts or this link: Stitcher In this series of podcasts Dr. Vic Reasoner will be teaching through the Book of Revelation. This is the…

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