In light of the current Christmas season of 2023, we posted yesterday on Arminian churchman Charles Wesley (brother of John Wesley) and his Christmas carol “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.” As that post mentioned, Charles…

In light of the current Christmas season of 2023, we posted yesterday on Arminian churchman Charles Wesley (brother of John Wesley) and his Christmas carol “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.” As that post mentioned, Charles…
Arminian churchman and brother of John Wesley, Charles Wesley, is considered to be one of the greatest hymn writers of all time and was labeled by one Christian History article as the “greatest hymn writer of…
From BT Roberts, in Pungent Truths (published 1912), a book compiled from the editorial paragraphs written while he was editor of The Free Methodist (HT: @RealBTRoberts, via Twitter): The wicked are not wholly destitute of the Spirit of…
Christmas is a season we celebrate the incarnation. The 18th century saw the rise of anti-Trinitarian theologies that undermined belief in Christ’s deity. Some scholars argue that John Wesley held a deficient view of the…
Over the past year, a number of YouTube Shorts (1 minute videos) have been released on “The Arminians” YouTube channel, including the topics of Grace, Atonement, and Election. The playlist can be found here:…
[This post first appeared at] The Global Methodist Church has released a new Catechism: PDF link. This is an exciting step. It has been a long time since we had a new official Wesleyan-Arminianism Catechism.…
There are now two courses with Dr. Collins online, with free access, at Wesleyan Theology I (21 lectures): Wesleyan Theology II (19 lectures): Dr. Ken Collins is also the author of The Theology of John…
This article is part of a series on the Assembly of God Statement of Fundamental Truths. Please click on the link to view Allen Tennison, “What We Believe About … Salvation.”
This YouTube video was published March 9, 2023: From the description: In this video I survey some of the passages that describe the pre-regenerating work of the Holy Spirit (prevenient grace).
[This post first appeared at] We deem, it, therefore, not inappropriate, in this first number of our METHODIST MAGAZINE—a part of whose mission will be to expound and defend our Scriptural, Arminian theology—by a…
[This post first appeared at] “The Holy Spirit is the author of every movement of man’s soul toward salvation… The Spirit of grace, which is but another name for prevenient grace, “is the sole…
26 And he said, “The kingdom of God is as if a man should scatter seed on the ground. 27 He sleeps and rises night and day, and the seed sprouts and grows; he knows…
This YouTube video series was published March 18 & 24, 2023: Part 1 , Part 2 Part 1: Part 2: From the Descriptions: Part 1: In this video, we look at how the doctrine of…
[This post first appeared at] In a previous post, I shared some excerpts from Rev. Richard Watson stating that the origin of depravity was due to the withdrawing of the Spirit of God from man. I mentioned there…
[This post first appeared at] “Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.” – King David, Psalm 51:11 KJV “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law…
From the Description: In this video I take a look at the key verses in John 5 & 6: – John 5: 33-37, especially verses 34, 37, 39 and 44 – John 6: 37…
[This post first appeared at] Below is an excerpt from Daniel Steele’s 1897 book, The Gospel of the Comforter, which I first read a few months ago, but this part stuck with me. For myself, I…
In this video, I look at total depravity, prevenient grace, and spiritual warfare in light of 2 Corinthians 3 & 4. Youtube:
This post was taken from Dr. Fred Sanders’ blog: Victor Paul Reasoner of the Fundamental Wesleyan Society has published a three-volume systematic theology from the conservative Wesleyan perspective. Vic asked me to write a foreword for one…
[This post originally appeared at] “This struggle, this “striving with man,” this debating with him, this standing between him and death […] are to be acknowledged as magnifying that grace which regards the whole…