Scripture is a major part of the whole question of Arminianism and Calvinism. Which sides better represents Scripture? I think many of us can agree that that is the major question. That is the actual…

Scripture is a major part of the whole question of Arminianism and Calvinism. Which sides better represents Scripture? I think many of us can agree that that is the major question. That is the actual…
In their recent book Against Calvinism: Logical Arguments to Disprove the Doctrines of Grace; Including the Definitive Scripture List Refuting Calvinism, constructed by self-publishing CreateSpace, irenic Calvinists Jeff Peterson, Eddie Eddings and Jon J. Cardwell…
by Roger E. Olson I admit it. I am a fallibilist – with regard to human beings (except when being infallibly inspired by God). My definition of “theology” is human reflection on God’s infallible revelation.…
Full length treatment on unlimited atonement published in 1846. (link)
Three letters reviewing the sermons of S. Cozens; published in 1860. (link)
Systematic Theology published in 1877-1879 by Methodist professor Miner Raymond. Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3
by Roger E. Olson Obviously, one posted message cannot begin to solve the problem(s) of God and evil. All I want to accomplish here is clear up some misconceptions about the Arminian view and ask…
One of the problems with attempting to discuss the issue of Foreknowledge as it relates to Free Will is that the term itself prejudices the discussion, bending it in a certain argumentative direction that the…
by Roger E. Olson Someone asked me why I am not an open theist. I respect open theists for their dedication to biblical exegesis and for their determination to emphasize the personal nature of God.…
Matthew Mark Luke
The Orthodox Church Affirms Conditional Security, by Steve Witzki.
Click on attached PDF to read article.
by Roger E. Olson Several readers seem to me to ignore an important presupposition of classical Arminian theology and of open theism. (I could probably list some other theologies that also affirm God’s self-limitation, but…
Even though many of us Arminian e-pologists (as we are affectionately known) have dealt with this issue (see here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here), it is still…
by Roger E. Olson One of the purposes of my blog is to clarify Arminian theology and distinguish classical Arminianism from the all-too-common misrepresentations of it by some Calvinists, Lutherans and (ironically!) self-styled Arminians. One…
In Revelation 1, 2, and 3 John prophesies to the seven churches in Asia. The last group he addresses is the church in Laodicea. After addressing the Ladocians, he concludes with the following prophesy:
This passage can be interpreted in two ways, both of which present problems for Calvinism.
Daniel Steele and J.W. Lindsay, Commentary on the Old Testament Volume 2: Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy — Commentary on the books of Leviticus and Numbers by Methodist professor Daniel Steele, and Deuteronomy by J.W. Lindsay;…
Daniel Steele and M.S. Terry, Commentary on the Old Testament Volume 3: Joshua – 2 Samuel — Commentary on the Book of Joshua by Methodist professor Daniel Steele and commentary on the books of Joshua…
A sister in the LORD spurred these thoughts this afternoon. Our Calvinist friends are quick to tout their embrace of the five SOLAs of the Reformation. I don’t blame them at all, for we Arminians…
“Pelagianism? Monergist? Martin, I think you need to recheck your definitions.” No, it’s true! For those that read mostly internet Calvinist literature, the word “monergism” is understood to be synonymous with determinism. However, the term…
Study in 1, 2 & 3 John by Methodist professor Daniel Steele published in 1901. (link)