Calvinists have put out a DVD called “Amazing Grace,” which makes the following charge against Arminianism: One Calvinist explains: “Arminianism has real implications for the doctrine of Scripture. How can God superintend men’s words so…

Calvinists have put out a DVD called “Amazing Grace,” which makes the following charge against Arminianism: One Calvinist explains: “Arminianism has real implications for the doctrine of Scripture. How can God superintend men’s words so…
UK preacher David Pawson now has a website up where all of his teachings can be downloaded for free. If you’re looking for a good source of Arminian audio and video, this is the jackpot.…
John Piper and Pietism Posted on April 1, 2012 by Roger E. Olson, PhD Recently John Piper declared himself a pietistic Reformed person. See: As someone who likes to think of myself as a…
Sermons from an Arminian perspective by Wendel Brane, Dennis Laub, and Ted Rapone of Trinity Evangelical Church may be found online at, and Ted Rapone’s may also be found online at
This is the author’s doctoral dissertation (in the attachment below), which has been published in a shortened form under the same title by T & T Clark in its Journal for the Study of the…
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His Holy Name.
I bless the Arms of God that reached out to me during times of loneliness and despair.
I bless the Artistry of God for the beauty in nature and in every sunrise and sunset.
I bless the Authority of God that makes Him the great and undeniable, “I AM”.
I bless the Breath of God that gave life to all living creatures great and small.
I bless the Brightness of God that outshines the blinding brilliance of the sun.
I bless the Closeness of God that He regards me as His friend.
I bless the Compassion of God that looks beyond my faults as He continually cares for me.
I bless the Creativity of God for all creatures that walk, run, crawl, hop, swim, leap, jump, and fly.
I bless the Cross of Christ that assures the promise of eternal life to every believer.
I bless the Desire of God in that He wants me to be at one with Him forever.
Pastor and SEA member Jeff Weddle’s expositional sermons may be found online at
Application 2: God ordains means as well as ends. God is the Author. This is his story. We are his characters. Therefore, Be a faithful character in God’s story.* Taken from a sermon by Joe…
Pastor and SEA member Joshua Johnson’s expositional sermons (“pericope by pericope” rather than “verse by verse” style) may be found online here. The church he currently serves also has a podcast for which he is…
John Piper preached a sermon on God’s sovereign control over all things. In this sermon, Piper highly praises the works of Jonathan Edwards and relies heavily on his accounting of sovereignty to explain how God…
We are disturbed and saddened by reports that former SEA member William Birch was arrested Saturday 3/17/12 and charged with sexual assault against another Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary student (on the whole matter, see,…
A description of this 3 part series from Pawson’s website followed by a link to each part:
by Roger Olson This is a response to comments made in response to my previous post about John Piper’s blog entry about the recent tornado outbreak in the eastern U.S. True, in this particular blog…
We here at SEA disagree with Dr. Boyd about certain aspects of his theology. Still, we felt that his statements on this topic were worth hearing:
Answers from some of the faculty at Asbury Seminary to the question, “Are natural disasters the will of God?”:
My Response to John Piper’s Recent Statements about God and Tornadoes
by Roger Olson, PhD
During the last week or two I have received numerous e-mails, some from journalists, asking my opinion about John Piper’s explanation of the recent rash of deadly tornadoes across the South. Apparently, he has at least implied that God sent them as judgments on particular communities and reminders of their need to repent.
It’s refreshing to see an accurate portrayal of the positions of both Calvinism written so fairly and simply. Obviously, Xenos tends toward Arminianism which is another refreshing aspect of this lesson on Soteriology.
The lesson starts thusly: “The central issue we want to study tonight is the interplay between God’s sovereignty and human choice with regard to salvation. Do humans have free will to believe or reject the gospel? How should we understand the New Testament’s statements about election and predestination?”
For the complete lesson, go to:
Calvinism as a system claims that God reprobated a large segment of mankind so that they can never be saved. [1] It further claims that the atonement is for this reason limited only to the…
Or “An Affinity for Effigy” What I Mean by Straw Man The term “Straw man argument” or “Straw man fallacy” is usually understood to be based off of the common training technique of using mock…
I lifted this from Jeff Paton’s website. He gives an answer based on his commitment to the “sacrificial” view of the atonement, which allows him to bypass the force of Owen’s argument. As I have…