A Movie Illustration of What’s Wrong with Calvinism this post is written by Roger E Olson, PhD Spoiler alert! If you intend to watch “Ruby Sparks” (a 2012 movie now on DVD) and you don’t…

A Movie Illustration of What’s Wrong with Calvinism this post is written by Roger E Olson, PhD Spoiler alert! If you intend to watch “Ruby Sparks” (a 2012 movie now on DVD) and you don’t…
A comment (slightly revised) made by a SEA member in the society’s private discussion group: Misrepresentation of Arminius and Arminian theology has been going on for a long time as evidenced by this quote by…
The Baptist Press reports, “A group of current and former Southern Baptist leaders has signed a statement affirming what they call the ‘traditional Southern Baptist’ understanding of the doctrine of salvation, with the goal of…
A Good, New, Non-Arminian, Arminian Book! by Roger Olson If the header confuses you, the book’s lack of admission that it is promoting Arminianism should confuse you more. (As it does me.) So what’s the…
Let us direct your attention to a couple resources recently added to our Links and Books page (not to mention our articles database): First, I. Howard Marshall, A Pocket Guide to New Testament Theology —…
I just read through “Neither Arminians nor Calvinists but Baptists” and am struck by two significant aspects of the article which I think are flawed. [Note: The article in question was a response to Roger…
1 John 2:2 and “the World” This post was written by SEA member, Roy Ingle Calvinists insist that the word “world” in 1 John 2:2 cannot possibly mean “the whole world” but instead they take…
We at SEA truly appreciated the sentiment of this article by Dustin Neely: http://thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/tgc/2012/05/21/4-ways-to-fight-clean-over-doctrine/. We hope everyone could agree that in this debate we are all Christians and we need to treat each other as…
Taken from http://www.christianheritageworks.com/arminianfaith.htm Opinions of the Remonstrants (1618) From the Archives of The Christian History Library Housed at The Christian History Center Staunton, Virginia THE OPINIONS OF THE REMONSTRANTS 1. ON PREDESTINATION. 1. God never…
This material has been taken from the Answers in Action website (from this page: http://www.answers.org/theology/calvinism.html). Please note that the introductory paragaraph referring to the apologetic nature of the ministry refers to the ministry of Answers in Action, not SEA.
11 Questions on Calvinism & the Calvinist’s Worldview
Bruce Oyen, who is not a member of SEA, submitted this poem to our society. He commented, “I wrote the following poem very recently, to underscore the grand simplicity and universal scope of the gospel…
Written by Brian Abasciano A complaint I sometimes hear about my books on Romans 9 is that they are too expensive. That is quite unfortunate. (The price of those books is determined by my publisher…
A Letter from a Young Christian Reader of Against Calvinism written by Roger E Olson, PhD I recently received this e-mail letter. It’s the best recommendation of Against Calvinism I’ve read yet. I hope you,…
What Arminians Find Offensive About the “Doctrines of Grace” written by SEA member Roy Ingle Very often I read or hear Calvinism referred to as “the doctrines of grace.” I am not sure when or…
John Wesley’s Experimental Religion and Evangelism in a Postmodern Age
written by William Brennan (PhD cand)
That postmodernity is a hazy concept, ill-defined and worse-employed, is by now a sad truism, only worsened by its many variants and broad influence over multiple areas of contemporary life and thought. It must be acknowledged, though, with however much reserve, that there is such a thing as postmodernity which is not only pervasive within the philosophy, ethics, and aesthetics of our day, but which also has deep roots at the popular, cultural level. And though the Church need never capitulate to predominant cultural models, she must ever ask: how will we preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to this generation? When this question is asked with reference to this present generation, the phenomena of cultural postmodernity—however it is to be more precisely defined—cannot be ignored.
Calvinism and the God-as-author analogy written by Roger E Olson, PhD One of my faithful visitors here pointed me to the following recent essay posted to the Desiring God blog by one Joe Rigney (professor…
“The Glory Which Is Ours Written by B. P. Burnett ~ “God does not wish to do everything, in order not to take from us our free will and that part of the glory which…
Michael Brown, “The Newtown Massacre and the Pain of God” — http://townhall.com/columnists/michaelbrown/2012/12/17/the-newtown-massacre-and-the-pain-of-god-n1468169/page/full/
Please click on the attachment to view: John M. Wiley, “Distinguishing Classical Arminianism from Semi-Pelagianism: An Attempt to Liberate Jacobus Arminius from Fallacious Claims and Popular Misconceptions about His Theology.” This is a graduate paper…
A wonderful gospel presentation with Arminian overtones (e.g., “You and I were made to hear his [God’s] verdict [upon us], ‘You are my child who I love, with you I am well pleased’”): The video…