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Karl Barth the Arminian?

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Karl Barth the Arminian? this post was written by Roger E Olson, PhD Okay, that would be a stretch! I’m not claiming that Barth was an Arminian in any classical or historical sense of Arminianism.…

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A Good, New, Non-Arminian, Arminian Book!

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A Good, New, Non-Arminian, Arminian Book! by Roger Olson If the header confuses you, the book’s lack of admission that it is promoting Arminianism should confuse you more. (As it does me.) So what’s the…

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1 John 2:2 and “the World”

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1 John 2:2 and “the World” This post was written by SEA member, Roy Ingle Calvinists insist that the word “world” in 1 John 2:2 cannot possibly mean “the whole world” but instead they take…

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4 Ways to Fight Clean Over Doctrine by Dustin Neeley

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We at SEA truly appreciated the sentiment of this article by Dustin Neely: We hope everyone could agree that in this debate we are all Christians and we need to treat each other as…

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11 Questions on Calvinism and the Calvinist’s Worldview

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This material has been taken from the Answers in Action website (from this page: Please note that the introductory paragaraph referring to the apologetic nature of the ministry refers to the ministry of Answers in Action, not SEA.

11 Questions on Calvinism & the Calvinist’s Worldview

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