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Life of Jacobus Arminius, 1559-1609.

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“There lived in Holland a man whom they who did not know could not sufficiently esteem, whom they who did not esteem had never sufficiently known.” (1) Jacobus Arminius, D.D., was born on c. October 10th 1559 (2) in Oudewater, South Holland, to parents Harmen Jacobszoon and Elborch Jacobsdochter. He was named originally James Hermanns (or Hermanson). His father Harmen worked as a wapensmid—a maker of swords, armour and guns—which was an important position in Oudewater due to its military significance leading up to and throughout the Dutch War of Independence of 1568-1648, and his mother Elborch maintained strong family ties which proved important as Arminius’ life progressed. (3)

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Eternally secure, provided that…

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The debate over eternal security among various stripes of evangelicals is unlikely to go away any time soon. Some assert that upon conversion believers are guaranteed their salvation cannot be lost. Others disagree by claiming…

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Prevenient Grace and Semi-Pelagianism

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This post is a response to Scott Christensen’s article “Prevenient Grace and Semi-Pelagianism”. (link) One of the main aspects of Mr. Christensen’s article is calling Arminians Semi-Pelagian. Pelagius was a heretic condemned by the early…

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What is the order of salvation?

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Join Seedbed’s “Seven Minute Seminary” with a wonderful set of free online videos explaining: 1) What is the order of salvation? 2) What is prevenient grace? 3) What is convicting grace? 4) What is justifying…

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Roger Olson, “The Bonds of Freedom”

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Roger Olson, “The Bonds of Freedom” Christianity Today (October 2012), 35-38, may be accessed here:

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What are you reading for?

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written by SEA member, Roy Ingle After reading a commentary on the book of Romans and especially studying Romans 9 for a series of posts I was doing on the subject of prevenient grace, I…

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