1. If Calvinism were true, what is the point of the Final Judgment for the unbeliever? It would be like me walking into a courtroom and the judge telling me that I get a life…
Recent Posts
4 Questions 4 Calvinists
Justin Taylor, “A Book Both Arminians and Calvinists Recommend You Read”
A post by Calvinist Justin Taylor that gathers together some commendations of Fred Sanders’ new book, Wesley on the Christian Life: A Heart Renewed in Love, along with some thoughts on John and Charles Wesley from Charles Spurgeon:…
The Problem of Natural Evil
The Problem of Natural Evil
Though not a member of SEA, Ryan Ragozine the author of this post, presents some good thoughts:
Practical Problems With OSAS
Note: It should be obvious from the content of the post, but the version of OSAS that I am arguing against in this post is what has been termed by some as the ‘Alpha View’.…
Church History Course
The following course is a basic overview of Church History from an Arminian perspective, taught by Will Riddle of Kingdom Change ministries, and longtime member of SEA. The course does not focus primarily on Arminian…
A Conversation between a Calvinist and an Arminian about God’s Sovereignty
written by Roger E Olson, PhD Calvinist to Arminian: “You Arminians don’t really believe in God’s sovereignty.” Arminian: “You Calvinists don’t really believe in God’s love.” Calvinist: “Oh, but we do. You’re so wrong! The…
Does John 6:44 Teach Irresistible Grace?
John 6 is a favorite passage of Calvinists to demonstrate what they believe to be the truth about irresistible grace and unconditional election. In particular, John 6:44 seems to be the go-to proof text to…
Why the Doctrine of Inability is Vital
written by SEA member, Roy Ingle Arminius wrote this about the effects of the Fall upon humanity: The proper and immediate effect of this sin was the offending of the Deity. For since the form…
Dallas Willard, “God and the Problem of Evil”
Taken from: http://www.dwillard.org/articles/artview.asp?artID=30 There are very few people who do not ask “Why?” when confronted with the terrible things that have happened in history and continue to happen day by day. This is because we…
Arminius on Actual Sins
Arminius on Actual Sins
submitted by SEA member, Roy Ingle
I. As divines and philosophers are often compelled, on account of a penury of words, to distinguish those which are synonymous, and to receive others in a stricter or more ample signification than their nature and etymology will allow; so in this matter of actual sin, although the term applies also to the first sin of Adam, yet, for the sake of a more accurate distinction, they commonly take it for that sin which man commits, through the corruption of his nature, from the time where he knows how to use reason; and they define it thus: “Something thought, spoken or done against the law of God; or the omission of something which has been commanded by that law to be thought, spoken or done.” Or, with more brevity, “Sin is the transgression of the law;” which St. John has explained in this compound word anomia “anomy.” (1 John iii, 4.)
The Question of Perseverance in Philippians 1:6
Arminians are not of one mind with regard to the doctrine of perseverance. Some Arminians see perseverance as a gift which God gives to those who respond to the gospel in faith. These Arminians believe…
Please click on the link to view Paul A. Himes, “FIRST CORINTHIANS 10:13: A REJOINDER TO STEVEN COWAN” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 55.4 (2012) 801–806. This article provides a compelling refutation of criticisms against…
John Mark Hicks, “The Theology of Grace in the Thought of Jacobus Arminius and Philip van Limborch: A Study in the Development of Seventeenth Century Dutch Arminianism”
Please click on the link to view John Mark Hicks, “The Theology of Grace in the Thought of Jacobus Arminius and Philip van Limborch: A Study in the Development of Seventeenth Century Dutch Arminianism” (Doctoral dissertation; Westminster Theological…
H. Orton Wiley on the Universal Scope of the Atonement
H. Orton Wiley on the Universal Scope of the Atonement
provided by SEA member Roy Ingle
The following is taken from Dr. H. Orton Wiley’s book Introduction to Christian Theology (pp. 234-235):
The atonement is universal. This does not mean that all mankind will be unconditionally saved, but that the sacrifice offering of Christ so far satisfied the claims of the divine law as to make salvation a possibility for all. Redemption is therefore universal or general in the provisional sense, but special or conditional in its application to the individual.
Arminius on Divine Providence
Arminius on Divine Providence
submitted by SEA member, Roy Ingle
Roger Olson, “A Non-Calvinist, Relational View of God’s Sovereignty”
I gave this talk at this week’s Missio Alliance gathering in Alexandria, Virginia. For those who are watching me carefully (from the Arminian camp) I must say I make no claim for this being “the” Arminian view. It is simply my view and I’m an Arminian.
“A Relational View of God’s Sovereignty” by Roger E. Olson
Eminent Mathematician John H. Conway on Why Determinism Should Not Be Embraced
John H. Conway, eminent mathematician and co-discoverer of the Free Will Theorem, concluded his Princeton lecture series (in 2009) with this assertion about determinism and free will, recorded in this 44 second video.
To Bless the Nations: Election in Biblical and Missional Perspective
The rapid increase of those who identify as “young, restless, and Reformed” is bringing fresh attention to the doctrine of election, which is one of the definitive issues that marks the sides in the ongoing…
Calvinist Quotes on God Determining All Evil
Click on the link: Calvinist Quotes on God Determining All Evil Note: The author speaks very strongly against Calvinism in some of his commentary on the quotes. Please remember that the views expressed in individual posts are…
Sermons by Arminian Pastor and Scholar Brian Abasciano Online
The audio of expositional verse by verse sermons by Arminian pastor and scholar Brian Abasciano of Faith Community Church in Hampton, NH are now being put online. A new one goes up about every 2…