The following is a personal testimony of Josh Valdez originally posted here. ___________________________________________________________ Theological Discovery Like most, my teenage years were monumentally formative in my development. High School provided the unique opportunity of digesting deep theological…
Recent Posts
From Tozer to Piper to Arminius: A Theological Journey
“Whatever that Scripture proves, it never can prove this…” – John Wesley’s Sermon on Free Grace
John Wesley SERMON 128 (text from the 1872 edition) FREE GRACE Preached at Bristol, in the year 1740 TO THE READER Nothing but the strongest conviction, not only that what is here advanced is “the…
Arminius: Why Unconditional Predestination Hurts Salvation
This doctrine is also hurtful to the salvation of men. 1. Because it prevents that saving and godly sorrow for sins that have been committed, which cannot exist in those who have no consciousness of…
Roger Olson, “Calvinism Appearing in Unexpected (and Inappropriate) Places”
[Taken from here, where comments can be made.] Due to the rise of what my friend Scot McKnight calls “neo-Puritanism” (what others have labeled “the new Calvinism” or just “resurgent Calvinism”) TULIP Calvinism is popping…
Arminian Timeline
Date Remonstrant Anglican/Methodist Baptist 1600’s James Arminius (1560-1609) Theologian and leader of the opposition of Calvinism in Amsterdam and Leiden Jan Uytenbogaert remonstrant led the meeting that produced the 5 Points of the Remonstrants – 1610 Simon Episcopius (1583-1643) –…
Building King Hezekiah’s Wall: Spiritual Lessons from Judah’s Defense
this post is written by Seedbed author, Kirk Taylor In the rubble that filled the Jerusalem streets following the 1967 Six-Day War, archaeologists scrambled to see what the bombs had unearthed before the bulldozers came…
The Arminian Theology of C.S. Lewis
C.S. Lewis is one of the most widely read Christian writers of the last 100 years. Although he doesn’t seem to have ever directly referenced Arminius or Wesley in his writings, his theology is nonetheless…
Excellent New Book about Calvin and Wesley
[Taken from here, where comments can be made.] by Roger Olson A few months ago Abingdon Press (the United Methodist publisher) sent me the manuscript of a forthcoming (now published) book by my friend Don Thorsen…
Why Are There No Arminians on the Gospel Transformation Bible Committee?
This post is written by SEA member, Roy Ingle If you click this link, you’ll find a list of contributors to Crossway’s new ESV study Bible, The Gospel Transformation Bible. I was excited when I…
Midwestern Journal of Theology: James Arminius and the Dutch Reformation
Dr Jerry Sutton, Academic Dean of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, weighs in with a fair and balanced assessment of Arminianism from a Southern Baptist perspective: “James Arminius and the Dutch Reformation,” Midwestern…
Waldemar Kowalski, (Un)Limited Atonement
The message was delivered at New Life Church in Renton, Washington. There is some introductory material at the beginning of the video. An introduction to Dr. Kowalski begins around 3:54 and the message starts at…
Andrew Loke, “Is the Saving Grace of God Resistible?”
Please click on the link to view Andrew Loke, “Is the Saving Grace of God Resistible?” European Journal of Theology 22 (2013) 28-37. Here is the author’s summary: This article compares two influential accounts concerning…
John Mark Hicks, “Classic Arminianism and Open Theism: A Substantial Difference in Their Theologies of Providence”
A version of this article has appeared in Trinity Journal 33 (2012) 3-18. Please click on the link to view John Mark Hicks, “Classic Arminianism and Open Theism: A Substantial Difference in Their Theologies of Providence”.
Is the Atonement Sufficient For All?
Is the Atonement Sufficient For All? This post was written by SEA member, Roy Ingle Arminianism affirms that the atonement of Christ was so glorious and powerful that it is sufficient for all to be…
We are moving our private discussion group to a new site/platform
We are moving our private discussion group to a new site/platform. So if you are a member of SEA, please make sure you make the move to stay in active membership. And for those of you who are not members, this is a good time to think about joining. You can apply for membership here:
Brian Abasciano, “Outline of Approaches to the Warning Passages in Hebrews”
Approaches to the Warning Passages in Hebrews by Brian Abasciano [The pdf attachment has better formatting and can be accessed here.] The heavy emphasis in Hebrews on exhortation to persevere in faith in Christ and warning…
The Calvinist Definition of Sovereignty Is Idiosyncratic
In the comment section of his post, “A Conversation between a Calvinist and an Arminian about God’s Sovereignty”, Roger Olson made this incisive comment (which, for reproduction here, has been very slightly edited for typos): There…
4 Questions 4 Calvinists
1. If Calvinism were true, what is the point of the Final Judgment for the unbeliever? It would be like me walking into a courtroom and the judge telling me that I get a life…
Justin Taylor, “A Book Both Arminians and Calvinists Recommend You Read”
A post by Calvinist Justin Taylor that gathers together some commendations of Fred Sanders’ new book, Wesley on the Christian Life: A Heart Renewed in Love, along with some thoughts on John and Charles Wesley from Charles Spurgeon:…
The Problem of Natural Evil
The Problem of Natural Evil
Though not a member of SEA, Ryan Ragozine the author of this post, presents some good thoughts: