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Roger Olson, “A Non-Calvinist, Relational View of God’s Sovereignty”

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I gave this talk at this week’s Missio Alliance gathering in Alexandria, Virginia. For those who are watching me carefully (from the Arminian camp) I must say I make no claim for this being “the” Arminian view. It is simply my view and I’m an Arminian.

“A Relational View of God’s Sovereignty” by Roger E. Olson

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Calvinist Quotes on God Determining All Evil

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Click on the link: Calvinist Quotes on God Determining All Evil Note: The author speaks very strongly against Calvinism in some of his commentary on the quotes. Please remember that the views expressed in individual posts are…

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Arminianism & the Good News of Jesus Christ

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by The Remonstrant In contrast with Calvinism, I believe it may be said that Arminianism is a more apt ‘nickname’ for the good news of Jesus Christ.  Arminianism not only affirms the indiscriminate nature of…

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Predestination and God’s Sovereignty

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This post is taken from Seedbed and written by James E Pedlar* Beginning in the early days of the Methodist Revival, John Wesley’s position on predestination became a controversial issue. His friend and partner in…

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Arminian Denominations

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My List of “Approved Denominations” by Roger E. Olson Very frequently I receive e-mails from individuals (and some have asked here) for help finding a church. Often what they mean is–a denomination. I can hardly…

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The 2013 John 3:16 Conference eBook

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You can download the free eBook from the 2013 John 3:16 Conference in either ePub or PDF format from SBC Today: ePub Download PDF Download MOBI/Kindle Download Or in pdf format from this site: 2013 John…

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A Demonstration Against Calvinism

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[Taken from:] With the recent publication of Michael Horton’s For Calvinism, along with Roger Olson’s reply Against Calvinism—both with Zondervan (2011)—the Calvinism/Arminianism debate has once again been vaulted front and center in evangelical circles. Horton and Olson are…

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Working Through Romans 9

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Working Through Romans 9 written by SEA member, Roy Ingle No doubt Calvinists come to Romans 9 and they read into the text “unconditional election unto salvation” all through the text. One Calvinist brother stated…

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